The Pita Pinta Asturiana

Hi pita pinta owners. I have a question for everyone. Does anyone have pics of their pullets when they were showing signs of being ready to lay (deepened comb color, color change around the eyes, other physical changes)? My girls are some weeks away (they are 14 weeks now), but since this is my first time it would be really helpful to have some images of pita pintas for comparison so I know what I'm looking for. Thanks!
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Mine is almost 20 weeks old right now I will be able to get pics this weekend I do not know how far from laying she is especially with fall in full swing.
Hi pita pinta owners. I have a question for everyone. Does anyone have pics of their pullets when they were showing signs of being ready to lay (deepened comb color, color change around the eyes, other physical changes)? My girls are some weeks away (they are 14 weeks now), but since this is my first time it would be really helpful to have some images of pita pintas for comparison so I know what I'm looking for. Thanks!
This is a picture of Them the day they laid their first egg:

This was the first egg--laid on the back porch of course...

This is a picture of Them the day they laid their first egg:

This was the first egg--laid on the back porch of course...

Perfect; very helpful! Thank you! And how cute! It's nice to see what they will look like as they get older. And LOL about the back porch!
It's a ballet about birds! I had to use it to name my chickens.
And the fact that they are both black and white, rather than one of each, is perfect, as Odette and Odile are generally danced by the same ballerina in any given performance. (You can see I thought about this a lot!) I will definitely post pics of the sign when it arrives and will also try to get some more pics of the girls this weekend -- they are getting so big! But not too big to be cuddled, which they accept with great forbearance.
How old Ron?
They were in the 22 week old range. It was early Fall last year so the light level was not a factor. This time of year it can take a week or two longer. They are supposed to be winter layers so you should still get eggs but we are moving to a low light time of the year. A lot of breeds will stop laying from now until mid January. If they start now though they usually keep laying through the low light time.

Leghorn breeds seem more light sensitive.
Here are Odette and Odile at approx. 15 weeks. Odile is the diva who swanned up to the camera, while Odette hung back in the wings.

Thanks! They really are the sweetest girls. A friend was building a big new run for them this weekend, and although they spent the first couple of hours terrified of the noise and up in their coop, they eventually decided that this was all very interesting and possibly for their benefit, came downstairs, and supervised for the rest of the afternoon.

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