The Pita Pinta Asturiana

Only the chicken people will appreciate this: a Christmas ornament from my former student who takes care of my girls when I am out of town:

Is it possible that Odette is getting ready to lay her first egg? If the pita pinta people think this is within the realm of possibility, I will send a pic tomorrow when this unbearable rain finally stops so you can judge for yourselves. But for now, her comb and wattles look like the ones in the pic ronott1 posted a while back of his pullet on the day of her first egg. They suddenly got much bigger and redder in the last couple of days, plus they are definitely bigger and redder than those of her sister, Odile. Plus I think I saw Odette in kind of a squatty position this morning, for a short time. It seems crazy that she would start laying now that we are getting to the shortest day of the year, not to mention the completely horrific weather making it even darker, but could it be? Would this be unheard of for a pita pinta?
Is it possible that Odette is getting ready to lay her first egg? If the pita pinta people think this is within the realm of possibility, I will send a pic tomorrow when this unbearable rain finally stops so you can judge for yourselves. But for now, her comb and wattles look like the ones in the pic ronott1 posted a while back of his pullet on the day of her first egg. They suddenly got much bigger and redder in the last couple of days, plus they are definitely bigger and redder than those of her sister, Odile. Plus I think I saw Odette in kind of a squatty position this morning, for a short time. It seems crazy that she would start laying now that we are getting to the shortest day of the year, not to mention the completely horrific weather making it even darker, but could it be? Would this be unheard of for a pita pinta?
It is possible since they are winter layers.

It is likely still several week off though. I have one that is the same age--I will keep an eye on her and if she lays an egg I will let you know.
It is possible since they are winter layers.

It is likely still several week off though. I have one that is the same age--I will keep an eye on her and if she lays an egg I will let you know.
Thanks! That would be great. It's funny -- Odette is smaller, but she looks like she's getting to maturity faster than Odile.
Is it possible that Odette is getting ready to lay her first egg? If the pita pinta people think this is within the realm of possibility, I will send a pic tomorrow when this unbearable rain finally stops so you can judge for yourselves. But for now, her comb and wattles look like the ones in the pic ronott1 posted a while back of his pullet on the day of her first egg. They suddenly got much bigger and redder in the last couple of days, plus they are definitely bigger and redder than those of her sister, Odile. Plus I think I saw Odette in kind of a squatty position this morning, for a short time. It seems crazy that she would start laying now that we are getting to the shortest day of the year, not to mention the completely horrific weather making it even darker, but could it be? Would this be unheard of for a pita pinta?
My pullets that hatched this year are laying lots of eggs. They are Pita Pinta, Pita Pinta mix, and Langshan. Most of them are headed for the farm and a few other homes as soon as the weather cooperates but I am going to keep a few here in town so I will continue to get eggs through the winter. A few of my 1-3 yr old girls are starting to lay again after molting. I guess no one told them that it is winter vacation time! I have been dehydrating eggs, boiling eggs, giving away eggs, etc and I still have a bunch of beautiful eggs sitting on my counter.
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My pullets that hatched this year are laying lots of eggs. They are Pita Pinta, Pita Pinta mix, and Langshan. Most of them are headed for the farm and a few other homes as soon as the weather cooperates but I am going to keep a few here in town so I will continue to get eggs through the winter. A few of my 1-3 yr old girls are starting to lay again after molting. I guess no one told them that it is winter vacation time! I have been dehydrating eggs, boiling eggs, giving away eggs, etc and I still have a bunch of beautiful eggs sitting on my counter.
That is amazing that you are overrun with eggs! And I didn't even know that you can dehydrate eggs; useful info! I bought some straw for the nesting box just in case it looks like Odette is getting ready and am watching with bated breath. She is less than 6 months, so she still might be a few weeks away, but it's exciting!

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