The Pita Pinta Asturiana

We took 6 pullets out to the farm to meet their father Zorro. He is in with the 7 hens from last year so for now just added the 6 daughters to the pen. Everything went smoothly with no conflicts. I was very pleased with how my flock looked. They had a round with mites and molting and some of the girls were looking like naked neck Pita Pinta. Their feathers have all grown back in and they are beautiful! I need to get back out there this week and take some pics of them. Zorro and his new girls are going to make some beautiful babies!

I can't wait to see pictures!
Pepper my broken toed boy is on the right.

He sure has gotten some size on him since I saw him last.

He seems pretty well adjusted in the boy pen. Seemed to like hanging with the newer younger boys a bit. (and checking out Zoros new girls)

He is not as stocky as a couple of the older males but he is fairly tall and pretty decent sized now.
(The one in the middle is a mix from Debi and the one on the left one of her younger whiter males)
Hard to get good picks from outside the pen and Pepper kept going back into the coop area which I can get pics of.
Where could I get my hands on a trio of these!!
I know a pusher her in Antioch

I love them I have a girl here in my Back yard flock and a boy out with her boys. Im planning on getting a breeding pen together within the next month or two and hoping to get a couple more pullets to go with my boy.

ronott1 also might have some.
Where could I get my hands on a trio of these!!
I might have a trio or two available in the next month or so.
I am going to keep 3 cockerels from this past year's chicks but I have 8 (?) in the pen. We took 6 pullets to the farm today but I still have quite a few here in town. I also have 2 trios that are broody raised and are 8-9 weeks old. Their mothers cut them free this past week!
I might have a trio or two available in the next month or so.
I am going to keep 3 cockerels from this past year's chicks but I have 8 (?) in the pen. We took 6 pullets to the farm today but I still have quite a few here in town. I also have 2 trios that are broody raised and are 8-9 weeks old. Their mothers cut them free this past week!

Oh if you would eventually be willing to sell me one It would be SO appreciated!! I am an ag student hoping to major in poultry science/animal genetics in hopes of eventually breeding rare breed chickens, and on my list of breeds I really want to get into the Pitas are second only to Barbezieuxs ;)
Oh if you would eventually be willing to sell me one It would be SO appreciated!! I am an ag student hoping to major in poultry science/animal genetics in hopes of eventually breeding rare breed chickens, and on my list of breeds I really want to get into the Pitas are second only to Barbezieuxs ;)
I see, they are a new import from Green Fire Farms.

Wait a couple of years and you will be able to get them for a good price. For now, Pita Pintas are good for roasting.
This is such an interesting read from the Pita Pinta Association website. I had to work on getting it translated on my new computer but finally have my translator working properly. I really like the diagrams and photos that illustrate defects as well as wanted characteristics. I have a bunch of new photos of my flock and I'm busy looking at them and trying to determine how they rate.
That is interesting! Here is a cute pic I've been meaning to post of Odile flopping down on her side next to me like a cat.

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