The Pita Pinta Asturiana

I'm glad you think she looks happy! :) Odile is a total sun junkie. She looooves to lie around in the sun. The only thing she likes more than that is taking a dustbath in the sun. Odette generally acts like she has a job and is always very busy foraging, but Odile is a lounger.
My parent flock has almost completely recovered from their molt and looks beautiful! Their feathers have grown in much whiter than they were before molt. I added 5 pullets to the 7 hens in with Zorro. I plan to put the hens with one of Zorro's sons in the next month. Here are some new pics of Zorro, his ladies, and the cockerels. The girls with the yellow zip ties are the pullets and without are the mothers/hens.

Hens/mothers from last year's breeding group:




Young cockerel with the most white. I hope that he fills in and that I can use him for breeding.

This is such an interesting read from the Pita Pinta Association website. I had to work on getting it translated on my new computer but finally have my translator working properly. I really like the diagrams and photos that illustrate defects as well as wanted characteristics. I have a bunch of new photos of my flock and I'm busy looking at them and trying to determine how they rate.

I've been on that site a few years ago.
on the very bottom of the page its says English. if you click on it it changes it all to English
I've been on that site a few years ago.
on the very bottom of the page its says English. if you click on it it changes it all to English
That's the first thing that I tried but all it did was pull up the breed standards in English. I wanted the whole page translated. I tried it several times before downloading Google translator. Using that program, I was able to get everything to translate except for the words in the illustrations. I'm thinking that I better take a Spanish course at the local community college!
That's the first thing that I tried but all it did was pull up the breed standards in English. I wanted the whole page translated. I tried it several times before downloading Google translator. Using that program, I was able to get everything to translate except for the words in the illustrations. I'm thinking that I better take a Spanish course at the local community college!

it should let you go from page to page though once you hit it its all translated. worked for me that way
I might have a couple available. I have 3 cockerels and 3 pullets that are around 11 weeks old. I also have a trio of older ones that are at POL. I don't ship birds, though. Are you planning on coming to the poultry show in Modesto?

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