The Pita Pinta Asturiana

A couple of the 18 week olds (head of the 3rd)

Little wider view

One of the 2 - 13 week olds

Everyone enjoying a little yard time this evening as the temps start to drop

Very pretty chickens! I love the way the PP's change color as they grow and molt. My 3 are 8 wks. and still mainly white.
Very pretty chickens! I love the way the PP's change color as they grow and molt. My 3 are 8 wks. and still mainly white.
Please remind me what sex your 3 are? It should be obvious by 8 wks. The little cockerels sport their combs and wattles at a young age plus they tend to be much bigger than the pullets.
Please remind me what sex your 3 are? It should be obvious by 8 wks. The little cockerels sport their combs and wattles at a young age plus they tend to be much bigger than the pullets.

Hi Debi,
I have one roo and 2 pullets. Very lucky, indeed. I will get pictures for you. I need some Spanish names! The roo does have a bright red comb and wattles. The 2 pullets, very pale face, short combs, and no wattles, yet.
I hope you are doing well. We have had some terrific storms here, this week. The chicks are staying in the hen house, most of the time.
Please remind me what sex your 3 are? It should be obvious by 8 wks. The little cockerels sport their combs and wattles at a young age plus they tend to be much bigger than the pullets.

Hi Debi,
Attaching a couple of pictures of the 3 Zorro Pita Pinta babies which I took today, July 3rd.

I think they are all beautiful!
Hi Debi,
Attaching a couple of pictures of the 3 Zorro Pita Pinta babies which I took today, July 3rd.

I think they are all beautiful!
They are beautiful!!! Thank you for posting them! In my incubator, I have my last 2 Pita Pinta hatches for the year. The birds are adjusting to being able to free range outside the breeder pens. When I was there today, a few of the girls were wandering around and so was Don Juan. But Zorro was in his pen (gate open) and now he has over 10 of the girls with him both original hens and his daughters. Yep, he's top bird and the girls know it!
More pics of the 13 week olds

Not quite as easy to pick up a their 18 week old sisters but still very friendly

More pics of the 13 week olds

Not quite as easy to pick up a their 18 week old sisters but still very friendly

More pics of the 13 week olds

Not quite as easy to pick up a their 18 week old sisters but still very friendly

More pics of the 13 week olds

Not quite as easy to pick up a their 18 week old sisters but still very friendly

More pics of the 13 week olds

Not quite as easy to pick up a their 18 week old sisters but still very friendly

More pics of the 13 week olds

Not quite as easy to pick up a their 18 week old sisters but still very friendly

More pics of the 13 week olds

Not quite as easy to pick up a their 18 week old sisters but still very friendly
Wow!, I don't know what happened. First, I couldn't make a quote to caychris, then when I did, it repeated over and over. Sorry Folks.
Here are my 4 PP babies from ronott


Looks like 2 boys, 2 girls
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