The Pita Pinta Asturiana

Look at these three girls we got from Debi @PetRock . They are the sweetest babies, they still aren't comfortable going up the ladder to get in the coop at night (we're working on changing the inclination of the ladder) So every night I take them off the roost to put them in the coop and they just cuddle right up to me. Two are very smart (for chickens) one is a little slow but that just adds to her charm [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR]
How totally precious! Great pic. My pitas had a little trouble with their ladder at first, too, but they sorted it out in a couple of weeks.
Look at these three girls we got from Debi @PetRock . They are the sweetest babies, they still aren't comfortable going up the ladder to get in the coop at night (we're working on changing the inclination of the ladder) So every night I take them off the roost to put them in the coop and they just cuddle right up to me. Two are very smart (for chickens) one is a little slow but that just adds to her charm
Welcome to the Pita Pinta thread and the Pita Pinta addiction!

They are so cute!!!! Is the slow one the smallest one? They look very happy with their new home!

I see that you are using a metal waterer. Remember to not use apple cider in a metal container!
Yes the smallest one is a little challenged, but she's just hilarious. Today the three of them were on a roost and she was on the end, she wanted to get across the roost to the other end of it, but she could not figure out for the life of her how to get across her sister to get to the other end of the roost, she tried walking over her sister, then she tried walking around her, neither of which worked. She finally gave up and just sat there looking sort of befuddled. Of course the other two, if they want a different position on the roost just hop off and back on but I think this little one overthinks things. Yeah, I know about no vinegar in the metal waterer, but they have another one that is plastic.
Yes the smallest one is a little challenged, but she's just hilarious. Today the three of them were on a roost and she was on the end, she wanted to get across the roost to the other end of it, but she could not figure out for the life of her how to get across her sister to get to the other end of the roost, she tried walking over her sister, then she tried walking around her, neither of which worked. She finally gave up and just sat there looking sort of befuddled. Of course the other two, if they want a different position on the roost just hop off and back on but I think this little one overthinks things.  Yeah, I know about no vinegar in the metal waterer, but they have another one that is plastic.  

Poor little girl! I can totally relate to overthinking things and then sitting there befuddled. :)
Yes the smallest one is a little challenged, but she's just hilarious. Today the three of them were on a roost and she was on the end, she wanted to get across the roost to the other end of it, but she could not figure out for the life of her how to get across her sister to get to the other end of the roost, she tried walking over her sister, then she tried walking around her, neither of which worked. She finally gave up and just sat there looking sort of befuddled. Of course the other two, if they want a different position on the roost just hop off and back on but I think this little one overthinks things. Yeah, I know about no vinegar in the metal waterer, but they have another one that is plastic.
Cute! At least it makes for fun watching! I have a few hens that are like that most notably my blue wheaten Ameraucana. She is also very vocal so she walks around the yard talking to herself while she does silly things. The noise drives DH crazy but I enjoy watching her. She is definitely the dumb bl..d of the flock. (Is it still okay to say that? I can't keep up with what is politically correct or not these days!)
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That is a fabulous run, and what cute birds! I live in Davis, which is very close to Sacramento. I'm so used to the heat, it doesn't bother me, but the smoke is probably not ideal for us all to be breathing. When my girls feel that it is really unreasonably hot, they will comment on it by honking once from the coop when I go out to tuck them in at night. The first time they did it, I was terrified that they were succumbing to heat stroke or something, but I've learned it's a thing they do to say they are hot. I turned on their misting system today because it was so hot, and Odette managed to roll in the dirt while wet, so was covered in mud for a while.

Oh, the joys of our chickens!! Yours are so very pretty, and I love your coop and run. Whatever we have to do for our littles, I guess we will do. Yes, we passed by Davis on our way to Sacramento from San Francisco.
We have the heat, humidity, ice storms, tornadoes. You have the heat, drought, wildfires and earthquakes. All of which can be destructive to our way of life.
No Matter; "There's No Place Like Home"!
Oh, the joys of our chickens!! Yours are so very pretty, and I love your coop and run. Whatever we have to do for our littles, I guess we will do. Yes, we passed by Davis on our way to Sacramento from San Francisco.
We have the heat, humidity, ice storms, tornadoes. You have the heat, drought, wildfires and earthquakes. All of which can be destructive to our way of life.
No Matter; "There's No Place Like Home"!
This winter we may also have El Nino!

It is great that you have Pita Pintas in Georgia!
This winter we may also have El Nino!

It is great that you have Pita Pintas in Georgia!

Thank you, Ron. Hopefully, I will be able to promote them. The 2 pullets and 1 cockerel, that I have from Pet Rock are very docile. Even though I handled them from the day they hatched, and they were very friendly while in the brooder, since being in the coop and run, their main source of comfort is the other chickens, especially the cockerel.
And, I understand that EL NINO will bring lots of rain, with accompanying mud slides to the areas already ravaged by the wildfires and drought over the past 4 years. I send my prayers and best wishes to you all, and of course, my brother-in-law, in Sacramento.

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