The Pita Pinta Asturiana

A late New Years greeting to all of my fellow Pita Pinta lovers!!! Are any of you getting geared up for hatching? I need to seriously downsize in the pullet department before I hatch more.

My backyard AKA my chicken yard has been a major muddy mess. Now that we have had a few dry days, I need to go out and check my chickenss' feet. I took some pic a couple days ago and noticed that some of them have mud caked on their legs. You can see it on some of them in the following pic. I so regret not spreading a 6 in layer of wood chips in the backyard last year. I need to find a free source or finally cut down our massive Chinese Elm tree and have it chipped.

Here are a few pics of pullets from last season's hatches:

This is one of my youngest. They are currently living in my outdoor cattery. They are so sweet!

This is one of the ones who has been puddle wading and has mud clods on her legs.

And of course, they drink out of the mud puddles even though they have clean water!

Debi..................I could take maybe 3 pullets just for eggs.I have a small coop right here next to the house. Do you have a cockerel for them. I could keep a quad. I hate nothaving eggs.
I just cleaned off the ankle weights off my girls yesterday. Scooped out the poop soup from the run as well. I think they were very happy to have semi dry ground. Everyone got out and dust bathed in the garden boxes. Way to work the soil for my planting soon. I moved the 2 buff orps out of the pita breeding pen I want to move the EE and Jersey Giant out next but I need to fix a run space and rearrange coop space so that everyone will have sleeping quarters once I shuffle around to 3 fenced in areas for breeding. Im hoping to collect eggs in the next couple of weeks to do a test hatch on the pitas soon.
I just cleaned off the ankle weights off my girls yesterday. Scooped out the poop soup from the run as well. I think they were very happy to have semi dry ground. Everyone got out and dust bathed in the garden boxes. Way to work the soil for my planting soon. I moved the 2 buff orps out of the pita breeding pen I want to move the EE and Jersey Giant out next but I need to fix a run space and rearrange coop space so that everyone will have sleeping quarters once I shuffle around to 3 fenced in areas for breeding. Im hoping to collect eggs in the next couple of weeks to do a test hatch on the pitas soon.
It's always something, isn't it? We are going to be working on rearranging our garden area, hopefully today. I'm hoping to plant some chicken forage and ground cover in the 2 old garden areas that are fenced off. Then once the plants have grown to a few inches tall, I can let the birds in there to forage.
Debi..................I could take maybe 3 pullets just for eggs.I have a small coop right here next to the house. Do you have a cockerel for them. I could keep a quad. I hate nothaving eggs.
Karen, we processed most of the cockerels but I rescued several of them to see how they develop. So, yes, I definitely have pullets and I'm pretty sure that I can part with a cockerel.
That is good news!

I was worried that a lot of them were aggressive.

I am very happy that you will be breeding them this year since I am out of the breeding game now.
Ron, You aren't breeding Pita Pinta anymore? Oh, sad day!
Karen, we processed most of the cockerels but I rescued several of them to see how they develop. So, yes, I definitely have pullets and I'm pretty sure that I can part with a cockerel.
That's great. We need to schedule a time that is good for us to come & get them. I will contact Jules & see when a good time for a road trip is. I love it when we can get tgether with chicken lovin' friends.
The Fairy jars turned out cute & my daughter Cari Travis Guyer posted a picture of all of them on Facebook if you want to see. I have another frend that missed out that day that I invited over to make one too. They are easy & fun.we were all cracking up while doing them & making a mess of the wet tissue paper.....LOL
@Hangtown Farms

Just to clear up the confusion, Pita Pintas are a brown egg laying breed. The eggs are creamy feeling, not colored. If they laid white eggs, I would worry about them being a different breed.

@PetRock Someone turned me in even though the roosters were in the garage and not bothering anyone. They have all been processed and I will not have more here.

Maybe one day I will move somewhere that allows roosters.
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@Hangtown Farms

Just to clear up the confusion, Pita Pintas are a brown egg laying breed. The eggs are creamy feeling, not colored. If they laid white eggs, I would worry about them being Mottled Javas.

@PetRock Someone turned me in even though the roosters were in the garage and not bothering anyone. They have all been processed and I will not have more here.

Maybe one day I will move somewhere that allows roosters.

Aww....Ron, I am so sorry to hear that. You had really been involved and studying the breed. You helped me a good deal in my pursuit of the Pita Pintas. Keep on keeping on with the advice, and suggestions, please!
@Hangtown Farms

Just to clear up the confusion, Pita Pintas are a brown egg laying breed. The eggs are creamy feeling, not colored. If they laid white eggs, I would worry about them being a different breed.

@PetRock Someone turned me in even though the roosters were in the garage and not bothering anyone. They have all been processed and I will not have more here.

Maybe one day I will move somewhere that allows roosters.
I guess I need to do some breeding then as I have a boy and 3 girls from you line
The boy is a bit aggressive on occasion though.

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