The Pita Pinta Asturiana

Here are a few shots of my Pita girls and my boy there is a jersey giant and a couple of easter eggers in with them because im limited on space but I can tell the pita eggs apart.
And I have been collecting them and going to set them on Friday. Sam is such a good boy.

Unfortunately my hen did not make it. :-( I guess it is rare for them to survive this condition.

I am so sorry!

Yes, it is a bad one for sure.
How did you DX it? Did you take her to a vet?

She was acting sick, droopy and puffed up. She had egg yolk all over her butt, and one of the hens had been laying soft shelled eggs so I figured it was her. I didn't take her to the vet because I had read that they don't usually survive this, and the vet is quite expensive, so I just got her some antibiotics & hoped for the best.

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