The Pita Pinta Asturiana

Unfortunately my hen did not make it. :-( I guess it is rare for them to survive this condition.
So sorry that she didn't make it.
Here are pics of the 3 newest additions to my Pita Program.
This was the first Pita Hatched in my breeding program

These 2 needed a bit of help out of the shell and still showing signs of the sticky chick issue that had them shrink wrapped.

All are doing fine and little speedsters.
Here are pics of the 3 newest additions to my Pita Program.
This was the first Pita Hatched in my breeding program

These 2 needed a bit of help out of the shell and still showing signs of the sticky chick issue that had them shrink wrapped.

All are doing fine and little speedsters.

Ohhh, so cute. I haven't decided whether I am going to incubate this season. I have 2 ill horses, 1 with Lyme Disease and doing better and the other with EPM, a parasitic nervous system infection. Not doing so well. When it rains it pours!

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