The Pita Pinta Asturiana

Seems like the school unit is in some kind of dialect, not Latin American spanish anyway! (not that my Spanish is any good.)
You are right. It is written in Llingua Asturiana, it is the language used by some people in Asturias. It is a romance language, close to Galician and Portuguese. And no, it is not a matter of pronunciation, it is a different language.
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My broody del hatched a Pita egg today. It needed a little help out since the shell had torn away but the membrane was still roughly intact. I ripped the membrane around its head a little and it was able to get out on its own later after that. Hard to zip if there is no shell to poke against.

Its under mama now and seems to be healthy and happy.
A nice pic I got today:

Since there are few breeders and PPs, may I make a suggestion? I read of some one contacting GFF and asking them if they would import a breed they wanted imported. And I understand there was at least some interest. Perhaps if you did the same, requesting PPs be imported, they might think about them also. You don't know until you try.
Since there are few breeders and PPs, may I make a suggestion? I read of some one contacting GFF and asking them if they would import a breed they wanted imported. And I understand there was at least some interest. Perhaps if you did the same, requesting PPs be imported, they might think about them also. You don't know until you try.
That would be awesome!

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