The Pita Pinta Asturiana

I have been reading this thread with great interest. I am getting a dozen pita pinta hatching eggs from Sunbird Farms soon. I am new to poultry breeding and these will be the first that I am going to attempt. I love everything I have read about them thus far. I am wondering how the roosters are as far as temperament and noise level? I can keep a rooster or two as long as my neighbors don't complain. My current Dominique crows only a few times a day and usually doesn't start until after 7:00am. If the pinta roos are constant crowers it probably won't work out long term. Thanks.
I have been reading this thread with great interest. I am getting a dozen pita pinta hatching eggs from Sunbird Farms soon. I am new to poultry breeding and these will be the first that I am going to attempt. I love everything I have read about them thus far. I am wondering how the roosters are as far as temperament and noise level? I can keep a rooster or two as long as my neighbors don't complain. My current Dominique crows only a few times a day and usually doesn't start until after 7:00am. If the pinta roos are constant crowers it probably won't work out long term. Thanks.
Welcome to the breed! I love my Pita Pinta! My roosters are not obnoxiously loud or frequent crowders but it can vary bird to bird. I have been breeding them for years and have never had an aggressive rooster. They aren’t over friendly sit in your lap boys but are respectful and good with the girls which is all I want. You will love this breed! 😁
Welcome to the breed! I love my Pita Pinta! My roosters are not obnoxiously loud or frequent crowders but it can vary bird to bird. I have been breeding them for years and have never had an aggressive rooster. They aren’t over friendly sit in your lap boys but are respectful and good with the girls which is all I want. You will love this breed! 😁
Thank you!! They sound wonderful and I am sure I will enjoy them. Your description of the roosters sounds like just what I was hoping for.
I have been reading this thread with great interest. I am getting a dozen pita pinta hatching eggs from Sunbird Farms soon. I am new to poultry breeding and these will be the first that I am going to attempt. I love everything I have read about them thus far. I am wondering how the roosters are as far as temperament and noise level? I can keep a rooster or two as long as my neighbors don't complain. My current Dominique crows only a few times a day and usually doesn't start until after 7:00am. If the pinta roos are constant crowers it probably won't work out long term. Thanks.
Anytime I have more than one rooster they try and out row each other.
Anytime I have more than one rooster they try and out row each other.
That has been my experience also. I had an EE cockerel that was raised up with my current Dominique and when one of them would crow the other had to answer back. The EE started acting aggressive towards my husband so he had to go. Once he was gone my Dominique has settled in as an ideal flock leader. He crows a few times in the morning, a few times mid-day, and then just before going to the coop for the night. The neighborhood dogs make more noise than him so he is neighbor approved.

I have high hopes that with the 12 eggs I will be getting, I end up with at least 3 pullets and 2 cockerels. I know shipped eggs only have about a %50 hatch rate. My dh is going to help me expand my brooder coop and add a run so I can use it as a breeding pen for pintas. I wish I had more space to work with!
I have my first pip on the 11 pita pintas eggs that made it to lockdown!!


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