The Pita Pinta Asturiana

Does anybody have Pinta Roxa Asturian hens? Or any of the other varieties in the US? I know greenfire has some, but wanted to know if anyone else had any as well.
Not that I know of.

Hopefully they will move out from Greenfire farms soon
I gave my trio to a friend of mine so that she can hatch more pita pinta chicks. unfortunately even when they hatch they die at about 2 wo without any reason. hens and roos have never had any health issue. could inbreeding cause early death?
yes inbreeding could part of it or just your birds shere a same lethal gene .
very easty to find out ,split the trio and mate them to a different birds to test them ,hatch few chicks from each bird and see what the result will be ,if the chicks will survive or not .
the problem with all this old heritage poultry breed is the peoples breed them without any proper breeding program ,like you said many time .rooster + hen/hens = chicks no attention given to the quality of pairing a specific breeders .
some people order some fertile eggs for some breders ,hatch some chicks and grow them than start breeding from them . that is problem we are facing around the world now . very bad practice .
tell your friend to test mate them please .
chooks man
My Pita Pinta Hens out in the back yard last week.

The black hen is a University of Arkansas Blue egg layer.

8_12_2023 Pita Pinta Hens and UoF Blue egg layer.jpg

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