The Pita Pinta Asturiana

unfortunately the chick died (at a week old). the unhatched eggs had chicks in them just didn't make it. I have 2 eggs due to hatch around monday. not sure if they will hatch as a bourbon red turkey managed to enter the coop where my broody is and broke silkie eggs (with chicks). 2 pita pinta and 1 silkie eggs are still there but they were cold when I found a turkey there. not much hope.
unfortunately the chick died (at a week old). the unhatched eggs had chicks in them just didn't make it. I have 2 eggs due to hatch around monday. not sure if they will hatch as a bourbon red turkey managed to enter the coop where my broody is and broke silkie eggs (with chicks). 2 pita pinta and 1 silkie eggs are still there but they were cold when I found a turkey there. not much hope.
I am so sorry....I know that it is a horrible feeling. Been there Done that.
Perhaps the chick would have been sickly....look forward to next hatch.
Life happens.
I hope you all had a nice Christmas! My Pita Pinta Hens are still laying some eggs during their second winter. They are fairly good winter layers.
I hope you all had a nice Christmas! My Pita Pinta Hens are still laying some eggs during their second winter. They are fairly good winter layers.
Hello Ron, How great your Pita Pinta Hens are still laying eggs. They are
such beautiful looking chickens. I SO MISS MY CHICKENS.

It as a bit different....but life must be lived as given. I am much better than I was
and BAKING WITH MY a super help. THANKS TO YOU.

Hope all is fine with you and nice to communicate. Fond regards, Aria
Hello Ron, How great your Pita Pinta Hens are still laying eggs. They are
such beautiful looking chickens. I SO MISS MY CHICKENS.

It as a bit different....but life must be lived as given. I am much better than I was
and BAKING WITH MY a super help. THANKS TO YOU.

Hope all is fine with you and nice to communicate. Fond regards, Aria
I love the Pita pinta Hens! They are smart and friendly.

I baked a no knead sourdough loaf on Sunday and yesterday I baked cinnamon rolls and and a chocolate cake for Christmas.

Sourdough is wonderful!
my pita pinta girls started to lay again. it's a shame I cann't hatch any. I need new blood but only 1 person has them here and they are the same blood.

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