The Plymouth Rock Breeders thread

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That's where I am too....just watching them grow and trying to pick out the ones that are more exceptional than the others as they walk by. Right now they are too little for any big differences to start showing but there are a few that are larger, have a slightly deeper chest and wider stance already that I like the looks of.
Questions for the Silver Penciled breeders:

The chicks hatched with distinct difference of relatively half being considerably more silver. Especially noticeable as they are growing out resulting in brown heads vs. silver heads, silver birds having lighter body color (overall wider silver markings and dark areas being black/charcoal) but still some brownish hue in sections. Brown heads having wide brown and thinner silver with gold hue pattern. I know the difference of patterns for sexes at a months growth, not confusing that.

Originally assumed it was likely a sex linked trait but this is not the case so have been searching the net for information only to find a few others noting the difference in chick coloring and little else. For those of you breeding silver to silver are you getting a difference in chick coloring? If you are how do the different original chick colors end result in the different cocks an hens? Browns and gold being a cull for adult plumage is this something you can predict direct from hatch?

If this is not a typical result from silver to silver matings it very well could be half the eggs were a silver cock to partridge female for type improvement or added vigor. In the net search I've been doing I found a breeder who does partridge and silver crossing and keeps both varieties. His F1 birds will brown and gold hue (not full gold as resulting males of partridge cock over silver hen would be) and need to go under a full silver cock for full silver F2 chicks.

Spit-balling here and looking for any insight.
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Jill, they look great! Nice, big birds, meaty looking already!

I just let my last set of chicks out of the broody pen, they are about a week old. They look like kids out of school! Their mama had to fight with the other broody mamas but they settled it and everyone is out ranging peacefully now.
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