The Purple Hat of Ultimate Evil


Apr 18, 2018
Upstate SC
The first time 9 Volt saw the Purple Hat of Ultimate Evil, I was putting it on the handle of the vacuum and rolling the vacuum into the corner of the living room where I store it. Don't ask why I leave the Hat on the vacuum handle...I guess my randomness is part of my charm. :p :lau Anyhow, 9 Volt nearly lost it when he saw the Hat for the first time: flapping, flopping and generally flipping. He avoids the vacuum cleaner...not for the same reason cats's because that's where the Purple Hat of Ultimate Evil lives. :gig

One day last week, our power was out because of a storm; it was frigid in here, so I was wearing anything I could to stay warm. While I was sweeping, 9 Volt was in his see-thru tub. Every time I came near, he'd wedge himself at the back of the tub and glare at me. He has no fear of brooms, so for the life of me, I couldn't figure out what was wrong...until I remembered I was wearing the Purple Hat of Ultimate Evil. :gig

So yesterday, I was tidying up. My daughter borrowed my vacuum and left the Purple Hat of Ultimate Evil on the couch. 9 Volt was at the other end. Not thinking, I picked the Hat up to move it. 9 Volt let out a squawk of terror, shot sideways off the couch and right into an enormous poinsettia over 4 feet away; he crashed with the table, the plant, and his own feathery butt to the floor. Just like a cartoon, there was a puff of leaves, petals and black and white feathers. The previously silent house had just erupted around me and I stood there blinking, trying to figure out what the heck had just happened. 9 Volt was gone, hiding under a coffee table, there was poinsettia everywhere and the tv table it had been on had collapsed--when I glanced down at my hand...the Purple Hat of Ultimate Evil.

Short story long :p , Tuff Guy is fine, the poinsettia--once a huge, glorious mound of red and green--looks like it took a rough ride in the car trunk, and the Purple Hat of Ultimate Evil is tucked away on a shelf. ;) ...Until next time... Bwaaa-haa-haaa...

The Purple Hat of Ultimate Evil

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