I have three external pips. One is at the small end and bleeding. All three are peeping and rocking. I am so good at telling others to be patient. But I lose my mind when their my eggs.
:frow Good morning Lisa, have a great day... Best of luck on your hatch, hope the one in the wrong end makes it okay. And yes, it's ALWAYS hard to sit on your hands when they are your eggs. Hang in there, you can do it.:jumpy:jumpy:jumpy
hi guys it is raining here today at least it made it cooler. I got yesterday and one of my hens got taken one of the Easter eggers. a raccoon it was my fault I shut the gate but did not latch it . this coon is attracted to the feed I saw it over the week end. I try and pick up the dishes at night except the one in the one coop it must have seen it and got in decided fresh meat was better. I am going to trap it and relocate it . I worry about the baby geese but the adults are very protective. I think I am going to have to get a gun . :hit
hi guys it is raining here today at least it made it cooler. I got yesterday and one of my hens got taken one of the Easter eggers. a raccoon it was my fault I shut the gate but did not latch it . this coon is attracted to the feed I saw it over the week end. I try and pick up the dishes at night except the one in the one coop it must have seen it and got in decided fresh meat was better. I am going to trap it and relocate it . I worry about the baby geese but the adults are very protective. I think I am going to have to get a gun . :hit
:frow Good morning Donkeydew, try to have a great day. So sorry about your hen :hugs
hi guys it is raining here today at least it made it cooler. I got yesterday and one of my hens got taken one of the Easter eggers. a raccoon it was my fault I shut the gate but did not latch it . this coon is attracted to the feed I saw it over the week end. I try and pick up the dishes at night except the one in the one coop it must have seen it and got in decided fresh meat was better. I am going to trap it and relocate it . I worry about the baby geese but the adults are very protective. I think I am going to have to get a gun . :hit
410 shotgun does it for the raccoons.

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