The raccoons have picked a battle with the wrong person...

My dad got quite angry over a raccoon, so he hooked the welder up to the chicken wire. (He's a little crazy) lol turns out it ws the neighbors dog that got in, not a raccoon. It wasnt hurt, but it was definatly suprised and jolted. Anyways, he never came back to the yard.

do you by any chance have a welr for the fence?
I wish the US had laws like that. I've heard of some farmers using a paralyzing poison and then beating the raccoons to death.

My grandmother set up something to deter deer -- she rigged a motion sensor to a sprinkler system. Until it was properly calibrated and pointed away from the sidewalk, her mailman wouldn't come up to her door, as you can imagine! I'm thinking of doing the same thing for the coyotes and raccoons that I know are on our property.
I've lost many birds to a coon this and last month. I baited and set my humane trap, only to have the little **** eat the bait and trigger the trap without getting caught. I don't want to use poison, but if I can't catch it, how can I shoot it? Grrrrr!
Well I am going to reinforce my coop thats for sure. Unfortunatly it will have to be when I get back from chickenstock. So I am hoping that I can leave them in the coop for a week with lights and fans to keep the air circulating.

I am hoping that some of the eggs my friend has in the bator hatch and Kazooee (DH's polish that fell victim last night) is at least a daddy... he was such a handsome bird
try putting a little peanut butter on the electric fence wire. Picture the coon trying to lick the peanut butter from the wire *ZZZZZAAAAAAPPPPPPPPP*

If that doesn't work, try this:

John I would love to but i cant do the deed here on Ontario a vet has to do it " humanely"
Dar.. question about canadian laws about shooting dogs..
Is it legal there to shoot them if they are harassing/killing your livestock or pets?
Each province and municipality will differ

within the town limits no you cant shoot the dog. Because the county I live in is rural and there is no real animal control. If you can PROVE by pics and bills lost livestock I cant see there being a problem with it... but to be honest we dont have a dog issue here the coyotes take care of that

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