~*~The Rebellion - RP~*~

An American Goldfinch fluttered down and landed on Micheal's shoulder; it looked up at him him with it's head cocked sideways at an angle, as if it was asking, "There's something troubling your mind, what's wrong?"

Seth was much less surprised at Eric's actions than most of the people there, he had seen how he had been acting lately but was still too shocked to do anything.
Eric swung his sword at Austin, barely missing Austin's neck. 

"I don't want to fight you, Eric!" Austin said, dodging another attack.

"Then you will die!" Eric hissed.

They battled, but neither got hurt very badly. Austin pinned Eric to the ground. "Give up, and I will spare you." Austin said.

"Never!" Eric spat.

Austin sighed, then stabbed Eric. But instead of blood, sparks and smoke rose from the wound. 
"What the- It was a CYLON!" Austin said, jumping up. "The power has Eric!"
Madge froze; stone cold in her tracks, turning on her heel toward Austin. "Stay here with little wifey, I'll put together a search party."

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