~*~The Rebellion - RP~*~

(( I'm dead serious
When I get back home, it turns back on if it refuses to turn on at the store.
Dang iPhone. ))

Karan looked around, and a darting shape could be seen in the bushes. It came out to look at the two, it was a red fox. It looked them up and down, then trotted off.
((Well yes there is, but thats coming from where i found out about telepathy, you may have heard different, but i just heard that there were waves, Cant hear anything they say but you can know another telepath is being Contacted. So sorry if you heard different, ill try to remember ...))
(( I think you're thinking of radiation levels when exposed to nuclear energy. See, when you split an atom, you get nuclear energy, and when nuclear energy goes haywire, you get terrible levels of radiation that are harmful and can potentially kill you. Like Chernobyl, when radiation leaked into the air and destroying plants and killing people, and some felt waves of energy coming from somewhere, but were too far to expierience any real radiation. I think that's what you're thinking off. And yes, there are levels of energy when using telepathy, but too faint to make out. ))

(( And, btw, LL, I won't really be on until around 3:00/3:30 in these two weeks starting now, excluding weekends. *hides* ))

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