~*~The Rebellion - RP~*~

I just cleaned the coop out... F-for the last time... The lady is coming to take my chickens today... I didn't think it would ever come t-to this. But w-we can't have mice in our h-house...
But I-I can't imagine never h-hearing Amulet or Pepper early in t-the morning again... Never seeing t-them run to me whenever I-I open the door again... *tries not to cry* I'm expected to handle this like a full-fledged adult, but I can't.
I'm sorry BDF.
But we're not putting them down, we just have to give them away for about two years or more before we move and get more land. So when we move, we are going to get the girls back. So we're kinda just renting them to someone for a little while. But still, it hurts.
I know that you're not going to put them down, but from what you said before, it sounded like you weren't going to get them back. I'm glad that you are going to be able to get your girls back, and you can still visit them. The two years will pass faster than you think.
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Why don't we try the Outcasted first? I kinda have a semi-evil plan... >:3 Then maybe we can dig up our inspiration again. I think my inspiration is hiding in the wall. *looks sideways at the wall* >-> Stupid wall, it stole my inspiration.
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