~*~The Rebellion - RP~*~

I've got to vacuum.
-_- Stupid neighbors.

My little girls... they left and they took my heart with them... I don't remember the last time I've cried like this.

Btw, LL98, I was gonna call you, but I knew that I would start bawling aaaaall over again. XD
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Have they learned nothing? Idiots.

You do know that you could just call your phone service people (T-Mobile, Verizon, AT&T, etc.) and ask them for the password.
I called another friend, and she's making me feel a little better. It's been approxmately an hour, and mother promised that we would go see them next weekend, so I'm content. And we can see them whenever we want, and we'll get email updates, so I'm alrightish now.
Name: Carter
Codename: Raven
Appearance: Tall and skinny. Has medium length blonde hair and pretty green eyes. Has a long angular face and a small nose. Is normally wearing a black t-shirt and jeans with sneakers.
Personality: Nice, is kind of one of those quiet kids except he talks a little bit more. He actually stays in his animal form most of the time unless he is talking to a human. Does get mad sometimes but is not that great of a fighter.
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Crush: N/A for the moment
Rank: Soldier
Power (Max of 5): Can control minds. Can morph into all kinds of birds. Can talk to birds.
Other: Is an amazing shooter with his gun which makes up for his lack of strength.
Weapons: A handgun and a small knife.

Username: Toro
I changed his name plus he isnt on the front page so i dont know if LittleLady saw it...

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