The rescue chicken :)


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 27, 2012
Colville, WA
A couple of weeks ago someone found this young bird in their front yard and brought it to my wife. It had a number of cuts and scratches and was missing some feathers. Puncture wounds on each side of it's back makes me think it was attacked b a dog or coyote. At any rate, we have nursed it back to health and are now wondering what breed and sex it is. Would anyone care to make a guess? Just going by size, compared to my barred rocks, I think he/she is about 6 weeks old.

Sorry about the red color from the heat lamp. The light coloring is actually white.
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Aw, how sweet! I couldn't tell you what breed, but s/he has such a cute little face! That is such a neat story, I hope s/he grows up to be a nice hen or roo!
That is a possibility that we have considered. It's coloring reminds me of Black Australorp. I'll try to get better pics and different angles after work tomorrow.
Okay, I took some better pics to see if we can clarify things a bit. Just to get him/her to stand still I was holding food just above camera view so posture there may not be totally accurate. Normally (s)he has a more horizontal posture. The comb is a bit more red that I would expect but not knowing breed... Random feathers on the lower breast/sides are tipped in white, no pattern that I can determine. Legs are becoming more black, to the outside and even have a few random feathers starting to come in.

So, with that info, do we still vote EE Roo or does anyone have a different opinion?

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