The right of flight...

This sounds cruel, but we kill snappers in our pond because they also kill other breeds of turtles, bite kids who venture out against advice, can decimate fingerlings .

Snapping turtles are an introduced species in some western states, including Washington State.

Not native around here, so eliminating them would be an act of conservation, just like the carp that destroy native spawning beds on the Columbia river.
It all seems so easy. Make a post on the forum, get lots of recommendations for wing clipping and take the advice. Now you can sit back contented in the knowledge your duck is safe from the turtle because she can't fly to where the turtle is.
It's not that simple. What about the other predators in your area that those fractions of a second of fast lift a full set of wing feathers can mean the difference between escape and capture?
I've seen quite a few ducks here with clipped wings; they can still fly, just not as well as they could before.
Creatures have evolved with the best attributes to promote their survival. A full set of wing feathers is one such attribute.
The alternative option doesn't seem to have much popularity and that is hunt for and kill the turtle.
When your talking river it’s a whole different ball game compared to a pond or creek. I have a mountain river below our home. I clip my female muscovy wings every fall after big molt. They are kept In Half acre fenced property thank the Lord I’ve never lost one. But my very first Muscovy came from that river and before I could save them 2 we’re killed. So I don’t ever regret clipping my birds wings. They are 12 down to 8 yrs old.

I cleaned the boys side, then my daughter needed something so before I started the girls side I walked away and when I looked back I saw George the groundhog helpy selfie. They forge together him and my ducks. Its like they told him if you dont get enough to eat its the second box in...too funny. Ostara was sitting in the coop she never said nothing. Freaky kinda it could've been the mink! But he wouldn't go for the food dish....

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