~*~The RP Restoration/Revival/Restart/ Advice/Advertisement/Chat Thread~*~

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Well, it's a game about survival. You're a prehistoric person, I guess, but you have to survive on an island of dinosaurs, so you have to build shelter, traps and weapons , while hunting for smaller dinos and staying away from the big ones. Look up the stomping land if you wanna know more, it's pretty awesome!

That sounds like a very cool game, is it an online game?

You are a hunter and a scavenger, you live in constant fear, because at any moment you could be killed. The reason; you survive in a world with dinosaurs, and any one of them could end you in an instant. In fact, many of them you can't kill by yourself, and the ones you can don't provide enough food to survive for long, it's the big ones that matter; the ones with bone crushing jaws and skull smashing tails, and it's up to you and your tribe to track down these epic prehistoric creatures and take them down. The question is, will you take part in this epic struggle for suvival?

But be wary, anything can happen.

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There are four tribes:

Tribe of Rushing Water: The Tribe of Rushing Water lives on the river, using it as their primary food source, this tribe is based by the two lakes, traveling in between camps by boat. Since their main food is fish, they don't have much competition with other tribes, but the water does attract many other, more dangerous things.

Tribe of the Serpent: This tribe lives by the entrance of an expansive cave system that opens up below their tribe, the cave is located on the northern edge of the forest and is often given a wide berth by most of the tribe, due to what resides in the pit where the cave is located. The only time when the cave is traveled to is for sacrifices in which an unlucky prisoner is fed to the Great Serpent.

Great Sky Tribe: These tribals live on the perilous cliffside to the south, and have a great view of the island and their inhabitants. Because of their location, the other tribes rarely interact with them. But they are brought into direct competition with Sky Terrors, who are their main predators, and occasionaly even their prey.

Running Tribe: The hunters here live on the open plains, hunting the herbivores that often graze on the plains. Because they live in such a prime hunting area, the Running Tribe often have to deal with competition from rivals; human and dinosaur alike.

There are many dinosaurs that live on Wayneth Island,
here are a few that are prominent throughout the island:

Ankylosaurus: The Rocktail, as they're referred to by the tribes, is a threat to be wary of, not only is it impervious to most attacks, but it's vision is poor, so this large herbivorous beast often aggressive to anything nearby. It mostly inhabits the forest, and should be avoided if possible.
Psitacosaurus: Thornbacks are what the people here call them, and these small herbivores are easy prey unlees you get too close. They have keen hearing and are usually found within the dense forest.
Shantungosaurus: They are known as Manrunners, because of the way these large herbivores run on two legs when fleeing from predators, be it human or dino. They have good vision and a good sense of smell. They tend to roam in small herds, often stopping by lakes in the forest and the grasslands for food and water.
Austroraptor: These medium sized predators are called Speartooths by the tribespeople because of their sharp, long teeth, designed to hunt fish. They are dangerous competition to the Tribe of Running Water, often going after the same prey as the hunters. They are usually found by lakes hunting for fish, but are oppurtunistic, often competing with hunters for kills.
Quetzalcoatlus: Sky Terrors are dangerous animals, often killing anything smaller than themselves, they have excellent vision,. They are ready scavengers, but will not hesitate to pick off a human out in the open. The best way to avoid these mostrous flying terrors is to stay under the trees.
Carnotaurus: They are known as Hornheads, and are large, voracious predators, often working in pairs to take down prey. They are active hunters, and are a big threat to hunters, they live in the dense forests, but are often seen hunting out on the fields, often causing trouble for the Running Tribe and Great Serpent Tribe.
Styracosaurus: The large herbivores are called Shieldnecks by the tribes, and are often peaceful unless threatened. They usually live in the forest, but are often seen traveling with Manrunners. They can be dangerous prey, and are not to be uneccesarily trifled with.
Stygimoloch: Bashers, as they're called by the people of the island, are medium sized herbivores, ,and are a relatively challenging prey. They are decently fast runners, and have good vision and hearing. Bashers prefer to live in the forest in small groups or by themselves.
Prestosuchus: Sharpjaws, as they're called, have a nasty reputation as predators, these medium size predators often work in small groups, scavenging or hunting anything they can, including people. They live generally anywhere there is enough food to sustain them.
Gallimimus: Kickers are medium sized herbivores who are very fast, and very timid. These animals are spooked easily, and equipped with good vision and hearing. They live in large herds in the plains, and smaller herds in the forest and are not too challenging of a prey, though they pack a nasty kick.
Puertasaurus: Behemoths are magnificent creatures, and might as well be living mountains. By far the largest of any animal on the island. They are in no danger of falling prey to any animal, espiecially not humans. They are left alone by the carnivores, as one crushing step will kill even the biggest of predators.
Helicoprion: Deathfins are large, dangerous creatures that live under the water. They can and will kill anything they see. Luckily, they are found only in the ocean or in deep water, only rarely traveling upstream.
Titanoboa: The Great Serpents are menacing creatures, growing up to thirty feet long. With razor sharp teeth and a crushing squeeze, these stealthy cave dwellers are best left alone.
Therizinosaurus: Often referred to as Longclaws, these gentle giants are certaintly strange looking. They don't often have predators, and put up a decent fight if threatened. They usually dwell in the forest, eating the foliage of small trees.
Tyrannosaurus Rex: The most feared predator on the island, the Terrible Death is the alpha predator, a killing machine, the largest carnivore to stalk these lands. It is feared by all, and respected by many. It is virtually unkillable, but it is said if someone were to eat the heart of one of these mostors, they will gain the powers of a god. Many have tried to kill one, but all have failed.

Tribal Ranks:
Leader: Each tribe has one leader, chosen from the strongest, wisest, and most noble among the tribe, they are the ones the children look up to.

Shaman: The shaman is the spiritual guide as well as the healer. A shaman must train many years in order to be fluent in his craft, and is well respected amongst the tribe.

Huntmaster: The Huntmaster is the best hunter in the tribe, and often leads the tribe on hunts. The Huntmaster is also in charge of training the new hunters.

Hunters: They make up the bulk of the tribe. Hunters are responsible for not only providing food for the tribe, but also protecting it.

Children: Children are the future of the tribe, and must be protected. Once they reach the age of sixteen, they have finished their training and are taken on their first hunt, signifying their new role in the future of the tribe.

Outsiders: Outsiders are usually exiles from the tribes, as no sensible peron would want to live by themselves outside the safety of a tribe. Outsiders usually don't stay in one place for too long. Often times, they have trouble suviving, and don't last that long.

~ Absoloutely NO copying this RP.

~ I am the controllers of this thread- what I say goes.
~ No Role Playing until your form has been accepted.
~ You can have as many characters as you like, but for the sake of other RPers please keep track of them all.
~ No major plot twists without my permission.
~ No swearing, innapropiate actions or words, and please, if you get into a fight, not too gory!
~ If your Character's in a fight, one blow per post please.
~ Also, in a fight your Character can only dodge or block one out of every four blows.
~ Please no out of RP fighting, but if you have to, please do it through PMs
~ Be realistic. Your character can't 'instantly' heal from any injury, and neither can one hunter take down a fully grown styracosaurus or any other large animal, etc.
~ The largest a hunter can kill by themselves is a Stygimoloch.
~ During a timeskip, I will post the amount of time skipped in Big Bold Letters.
~ All BYC rules apply.
~No drama, but if you have to, please do it through PMs.
~ Please keep it PG-13.
~No controlling other peoples' characters, and no killing other peoples' characters without their permission first.
~ Have fun!

Character Form:
Age(Maximum age is 50):
Detailed description:
User name:

*Note: I do not own and have not created any of this material.

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I have quite a few rps they are dying and need users to create characters for the Rp
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