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Hey all, here is the link to Dragapacacorn and my new RP and the plot below it:

• ✧ • Tнoѕe Wнo Breαĸ тнe Mold - A ѕυperнero RP • ✧ •

In this world, there have always been people that don't fit in, people that break the mold, people with abilities. Many times, these people lead normal lives, hiding their gifts from the world and never posing a threat to others. But, there are those who put the innocent in danger, those who threaten the delicate balance between good and evil. All over the would, power hungry groups create Orders, Cults, Creeds, Gangs; evil organizations such as The Ambroscus Order, located in Seattle.

Then there's people like us, people who protect the innocent and take these organizations down. In this case, we call ourselves the SASD: Seattle Ambroscus Supervision Division. We are a branch of an even larger organization, and our job is: firstly; to locate those with abilities, offer them a place in our ranks, and if they decline... We take them in, or take them out - there is no room to risk letting them be vulnerable to the enemy. Secondly; to eradicate The Ambroscus Order before they track down those with abilities and bring them in, or destroy them utterly.

Will you join the fight?
Ok, so what I'm getting from this is that for you there has to be a creator. That's fine, everyone has the choice to believe or not believe in what ever they want. However I feel that your argument is weak and I'll tell you why. You state that "anything" can't come from nothing, ok so let's say that this is true for the moment and that an intelligent being "god" created everything. Fine, god was the something that created this "anything", but what then created that something, I'm referring to god. If your theory is true, 'something can't be created from nothing' then what is god if not a something? I'm sure you wouldn't refer to "god" as nothing. So what created god? This cycle of creation would go on and on by your definition. Now you may have some sort of rational for this that makes you feel comfortable but I find it to be just another unanswerable question that religious people throw out there in an attempt to "blow our minds", the non believers that is. Your argument is as simplistic as, "which came first the chicken or the egg?"

Anyway, I didn't plan on this becoming a philosophical debate on the origins of everything, I was just trying to help out with the RP, so what ever you'd like to believe is fine, I'm not trying to change your beliefs and you won't change mine, so let's agree to disagree and move past this.
Here's a link to the real explanation: http://news.discovery.com/animals/d...act-t-rex-tissue-finally-explained-131127.htm

Quick answer: iron in the blood preserved it.

OK. You are still very far from convincing me, but thank you for your answers.
Originally Posted by LoveThatChick

I wasn't trying to convince you, and I hope there will be no ill will between us.

Nope, not at all!
No, not really... The Microraptor has a very similar appearance to the modern-day Hoatzin (A bird that inhabits South America), which would suggest that it was all bird, and no reptile.

You are partially correct. I do believe in "evolution" in the sense that animals can (and will) adapt, and that small genetic variations are common (such as different eye colors and different breeds). However, it is quite improbable that an animal would transform into an entirely different animal (Yes, I am saying impossible). Mutations have never been observed benefiting the organism, only harming or not damaging it.

Also, you brought up the question, "how did birds get feathers in the first place?" Well, it's quite simple: they were created that way.

I hope you don't mind me asking, but how (or why) did the dinosaur's ancestors develop feathers, with no immediate need for them? You reach the same roadblock.

Also, your comment about the fossils... I see what you mean. The feather patterns may have been lost, but with all of the fossils of raptor dinosaurs, I would expect to see more evidence then that.
So, 'similar' appearances drives your ideas on what is related? Just look at its anatomy, for starters, they are quite different. The Micro-raptor could be an ancestry of our modern birds, but they are dinosaurs, apart from feathers, there is little resemblance.

You are partially correct. I do believe in "evolution" in the sense that animals can (and will) adapt, and thatsmall genetic variations are common (such as different eye colors and different breeds). However, it is quite improbable that an animal would transform into an entirely different animal (Yes, I am saying impossible). Mutations have never been observed benefiting the organism, only harming or not damaging it.

Also, you brought up the question, "how did birds get feathers in the first place?" Well, it's quite simple: they were created that way.

I hope you don't mind me asking, but how (or why) did the dinosaur's ancestors develop feathers, with no immediate need for them? You reach the same roadblock.

Also, your comment about the fossils... I see what you mean. The feather patterns may have been lost, but with all of the fossils of raptor dinosaurs, I would expect to see more evidence then that.

((Sorry Gertrude, we'll be done very soon.))

Again, why do you say 'transformed into an entirely different animal'? And on the contrary, the human mutation for blue eyes was very helpful: in colder climates, with longer winters, light eyes were able to take in more light.

Oh, do you believe the earth is 6,000 years old? I'm not going to debate with you on your 'they were created that way' answer to lives mysteries, though I find it quite odd that people as smart as you, could instead of finding the answers (we have already traced the origin of the universe back to the beginning, The Big Bang.), just fall back on an archaic belief that, as all religions are, was made to explain what they couldn't explain. Until now.

There are no roadblocks when it comes to science. Dinosaurs had what are sometimes referred to as “proto-feathers”, they are not the modern, highly developed feathers that you see on birds today. They were covered in a thin layer of down, sometimes referred to as "Dino-fuzz", that was made up of protein fibers, just as feathers are. They had this Dino-fuzz as means of insulation.

I'm not saying, in any way that I am a leading expert on dinosaurs, or any prehistoric animals. But I do my due diligence, and I've gone through many a course on everything from anthropology to religions of the world.[/QUOTE]
(Yes. I will provide these answers, then I'm finished!)

I say 'transformed' because evolutionists have concluded that one animal will slowly develop into another creature over a long period of time, (Such as single-celled organisms becoming humans, over millions of years). That kind of transformation, even over an immense amount of time, is just not genetically possible. And ask yourself, how did anything, anything at all, come from absolutely nothing? You might say that it came from mass energy, but how can there be any kind of energy, when there is nothing?

Yes, I agree that blue eyes are quite helpful in some situations, and it also did not just randomly happen. The first two humans would have had the genetic capability to produce any combination of skin, eye, and hair color within the next generation.

Yes, I do believe that the earth is approximately 6,000 years old. I also do not believe this blindly. I investigate the possibilities of what could have happened, then I decide what has the most evidence behind it. For example: dinosaur fossils being found with intact soft tissue, even red blood cells. I cannot find any logical way that evolution can explain that.

Another testimony to the young earth viewpoint is the ocean. If the earth was truly billions of years old, the ocean would be far to salty to support any form of life. The reason for this is that the ocean has no water outlet. As I am sure you know, a salty body of water forms when the water has nowhere to go (as the ocean does). The water in the stagnant body begins to evaporate, leaving the salt behind and creating a salty body of water (The Great Salt Lake is an example). If this had been occurring in the oceans for billions of years, it would be much saltier than it is currently.

To answer your comment about proto-feathers, I hope that you do not mind me using a quote:

"Evolutionists have been unable to document evolutionary progression in feather morphology over time, despite their insistence that filaments like these were the evolutionary prototypes of actual feathers. Sciurumimus has the same simple filaments we’ve heard about before. None of the complex anatomy seen in feathers nor even any feather follicles have been found. The authors point to “vertical skin structures that might represent follicles,” and in their journal article they sketch an “interpretative drawing showing possible follicles” (emphases ours), but they actually found none.

And why do the authors think these unidentified skin structures “might represent follicles”? They explain, “The only comparable structures in the avian skin are the follicles associated with the feathers, so we tentatively suggest that these structures might represent follicles.” In other words, birds have follicles, and because these evolutionists are sure that birds evolved from dinosaurs, these must be follicles. The authors even describe their findings as “filamentous plumage.” But as anatomist Dr. David Menton, who details the incredible design of actual feathers in his DVD Formed to Fly, comments, “Filaments are not feathers. But evolutionists want to see feathers, so they see feathers.”

I told Gertrude that this would be my last post on the subject, so I just want to close with this: My overall goal for this was not to prove anyone right or wrong, but to provide both sides of the issue.

I apologize if I offended anyone in any way, and I hope that our conversation was handled in the right way.
Ok, so what I'm getting from this is that for you there has to be a creator. That's fine, everyone has the choice to believe or not believe in what ever they want. However I feel that your argument is weak and I'll tell you why. You state that "anything" can't come from nothing, ok so let's say that this is true for the moment and that an intelligent being "god" created everything. Fine, god was the something that created this "anything", but what then created that something, I'm referring to god. If your theory is true, 'something can't be created from nothing' then what is god if not a something? I'm sure you wouldn't refer to "god" as nothing. So what created god? This cycle of creation would go on and on by your definition. Now you may have some sort of rational for this that makes you feel comfortable but I find it to be just another unanswerable question that religious people throw out there in an attempt to "blow our minds", the non believers that is. Your argument is as simplistic as, "which came first the chicken or the egg?"

Anyway, I didn't plan on this becoming a philosophical debate on the origins of everything, I was just trying to help out with the RP, so what ever you'd like to believe is fine, I'm not trying to change your beliefs and you won't change mine, so let's agree to disagree and move past this.
Here's a link to the real explanation: http://news.discovery.com/animals/d...act-t-rex-tissue-finally-explained-131127.htm

Quick answer: iron in the blood preserved it.

And I'll say this too: Nothing created God. There was nothing before Him. We're not trying to blow your mind, you know. And we don't just throw it out there. It's what we believe. Heck, evolution and the Big Bang take just as much faith as Christianity or any other religion.

Oh, for the love of pastries! You're both talented debaters! Now, in the name of all things ridiculous, take it to PMs, next time!

(No, no, I'm not mad – however…a little much, yes?)

((Sorry again Gertrude! My lips are now sealed.))
OK. You are still very far from convincing me, but thank you for your answers.
I wasn't trying to convince you, and I hope there will be no ill will between us.
Nope, not at all!

Is it over?


You are a hunter and a scavenger, you live in constant fear, because at any moment you could be killed. The reason; you survive in a world with dinosaurs, and any one of them could end you in an instant. In fact, many of them you can't kill by yourself, and the ones you can don't provide enough food to survive for long, it's the big ones that matter; the ones with bone crushing jaws and skull smashing tails, and it's up to you and your tribe to track down these epic prehistoric creatures and take them down. And you're not the only tribe trying to survive, there are others too, who wouldn't hesitate to end your life in an moment. The question is, will you take part in this grand struggle for survival?

But be wary, anything can happen.

*Click image for easier viewing*

There are countless creatures that live on Wayneth Island,
here are a few that are have the greatest roles in tribal culture, and are prominent throughout the island:

Ankylosaurus: The Rocktail, as they're referred to by the tribes, is a threat to be wary of. Not only is it impervious to most attacks, but it's vision is poor, so this large herbivorous beast is often aggressive to anything nearby. It mostly inhabits the forest, and should be avoided if possible.
Psitacosaurus: Thornbacks are what the people call them, and these small herbivores are usually easy prey, unless you get too close. They have keen hearing and are usually found within the dense forest. Their quills are a good defense, and can use them to terrible effect if the opportunity is given.
Shantungosaurus: They are known as Manrunners, because of the way these large herbivores run on two legs when fleeing from predators, be it human or dino. They have good vision and a good sense of smell. They tend to roam in small herds, often stopping by lakes in the forest and the grasslands for food and water.
Austroraptor: These medium sized predators are called Speartooths by the tribes-people because of their sharp, long teeth designed to hunt fish. They are dangerous competition to the Lake Tribe, often going after the same prey as the hunters. They are usually found by lakes hunting for fish, but are opportunistic, often competing with hunters for kills.
Quetzalcoatlus: Sky Terrors are dangerous animals, often killing anything smaller than themselves, they have excellent vision, and are ready scavengers, but will not hesitate to pick off a vulnerable human caught out in the open. The best way to avoid these monstrous flying beasts is to stay under the trees.
Carnotaurus: They are known as Hornheads, and are large, voracious predators, often working in pairs to take down prey. They are active hunters, and are a big threat to hunters, they live in the dense forests, but are often seen hunting out on the fields, often causing trouble for the Swift Tribe and Serpent Tribe.
Styracosaurus: These large herbivores are called Shieldnecks by the tribes, and are often peaceful unless threatened. They usually live in the forest, but are often seen traveling with Manrunners. They can be dangerous prey, and are not to be unnecessarily trifled with.
Stygimoloch: Bashers, as they're called by the people of the island, are smaller sized herbivores, but are a relatively challenging prey. They are decently fast runners, and have good vision and hearing. Bashers prefer to live in the forest in small groups or by themselves.
Prestosuchus: Trapjaws, as they're called, have a nasty reputation, these medium size predators often work in small groups, scavenging or hunting anything they can, including people. They live generally anywhere there is enough food to sustain them.
Gallimimus: Kickers are medium sized herbivores who are very fast, and very timid. These animals are spooked easily, and are equipped with good vision and hearing. They live in large herds in the plains, and smaller herds in the forest and are not too challenging of a prey if you can catch them, though they pack a nasty kick.
Puertasaurus: Behemoths are magnificent creatures, and might as well be living mountains. By far the largest of any animal on the island. They are in no danger of falling prey to any animal, especially not humans. They are left alone by the carnivores, as one crushing step will kill even the biggest of predators.
Helicoprion: Leviathans are large, dangerous creatures that live under the water. They can and will kill anything they see. Luckily, they are found only in the ocean, only rarely traveling upstream to breed.
Titanoboa: The Great Serpents are menacing creatures, growing up to vast lengths. With razor sharp teeth and a crushing squeeze, these stealthy cave dwellers are best left alone. Though they mostly frequent caves, but are also seen in trees or near water.
Therizinosaurus: Often referred to as Longclaws, these gentle giants are certainly strange looking. They don't often have predators, and put up a decent fight if threatened, using their deadly claws to a severe extant. They usually dwell in the forest, eating the foliage of small trees.
Tyrannosaurus Rex: The most feared predator on the island, the Terrible Death is the alpha predator, a killing machine, and the largest carnivore to stalk these lands. It is feared by all, and respected by many. It is virtually unkillable, but it is said if someone were to eat the heart of one of these monsters, they will gain the powers of the beast itself. Many have tried to kill one, but all have failed.

*Note: The following dinosaurs are not in the game, I just thought I would add them for extra content.
Deinosuchus: Lake Monsters are huge, deadly predators who can eat a person with a single snap of their massive jaws. They are large and strong enough to drag a dinosaur to its death into the water below. They are a constant danger to look out for when by the lake shore, and are major problem to the Lake tribe because they inhabit the same area as the hunters on the lake. Despite both being aquatic, Lake Serpents and Leviathans rarely, if ever come into contact with each other.
Sinornithosaurus: These small predators, called Sickbites. They aren't usually a danger to people. but are best avoided, as their bite is venomous, causing severe pain, dizziness, paralysis, and loss of consciousness. Sickbites live in the dense woods, gliding down from the branches of trees onto their main prey, Thornbacks.
Kentrosaurus: The medium sized Spikeback is generally peaceful, but can pose a threat when in danger. They aren't very smart, and mostly inhabit the forests in small herd, but will sometimes be seen on the plains.
Troodon: Nightstalkers are intelligent, voracious eaters, and deadly pack-hunters. They are most active at night, as they hunt under the cover of darkness. Their nature often brings them into the camps of humans, which sometimes results in deadly encounters. they are very widespread, but usually prefer the thick woods, which are perfect cover for them. Even though they aren't very big, they are dangerous as a pack.
Gorgosaurus: Sharptooths are large dinosaurs, generally hunting the same prey and inhabiting the same area as Hornheads, often causing conflicts. They are also a hazard for the local people, killing them without a second thought.
Utahraptor: The Razorclaws are medium sized predators who roam the plains during the early morning. They hunt large prey in loose packs to bring down much larger prey than they would by themselves. When in the forest, they usually are seen alone or in pairs, fiercely guarding their nests.
Pachyrhinosaurus: Thicknoses live primarily on the plain, but do spend time in the woods, usually traveling with the other herbivores. These medium sized animals are decent prey and relatively quick to flee, but are a challenge when forced to fight.

Iguanadon: Thumbspikes are large herbivores, and common throughout the plains and forest. They are rather timid, but will not hesitate to kill, if given the chance. They live in large herds, constantly on the move. Though they often return to the lakes, needing water often.

There are four tribes: *PM me to create your own tribe

Lake Tribe: The Lake Tribe live by the rivers, using it as their primary food source, this tribe is based by the two lakes, traveling in between camps by boat. Since their main food is fish, they don't have much competition with other tribes, but the water does attract many other, more dangerous things. Their territory spans from the lakes and rivers to the immediate surrounding forest. They are generally a peaceful and welcoming tribe, having little need to compete with other tribes for food. There are very little Riders here, as there is little need for them.

Serpent Tribe: This tribe lives by the entrance of an expansive cave system that opens up below their tribe, the cave is located on the Northern edge of the island and is often given a wide berth by most of the tribe, due to what resides in the pit where the cave is located. The only time when the cave is traveled to is for sacrifices in which an unlucky prisoner is fed to the Great Serpent. Their hunting grounds are from the edge of the northern woods to the beginning of the lake. They tend to be most militaristic and aggressive of the tribes, and are in a constant state of tenseness with the Swift Tribe.

Great Sky Tribe: These tribals live on the perilous cliffs to the South of the island, and have a great view of the island and their inhabitants. Because of their location, the other tribes rarely interact with them. But because of the tribes location, they are brought into direct competition with Sky Terrors, who are their main predators, and occasionally even their prey. They prefer to be isolated from the other tribes and their affairs, their territory ranges from the cliffs to the forest South of them.

Swift Tribe: The hunters here live on the open plains, hunting the herbivores that often graze on the plains. Because they live in such a prime hunting area, the Swift Tribe often have to deal with competition from rivals; human and dinosaur alike. They are a nomadic tribe, moving camp every so often to follow the paths of the herds. Most of the hunters here are also riders, which greatly helps with hunting prey. The Swift Tribe is wary of strangers, as Serpent Tribe often tries to take their territory.

Tribal Ranks:
Leader: Each tribe has one leader, chosen from the strongest, wisest, and most noble among the tribe, they are the ones the children look up to. The leader is responsible for deciding the battle strategies, placement of new structures, and major decisions.

Shaman: The shaman is the spiritual guide as well as the healer, using the collection of various herbs heal the sick. A shaman must train many years in order to be fluent in their craft, and is well respected amongst the tribe. They are in charge of all ceremonies. The Shaman will choose one child to be their apprentice when the time comes.

Huntmaster: The Huntmaster is the best hunter in the tribe, and often leads the tribe on hunts. The Huntmaster is also in charge of training the new hunters, and are highly respected throughout the tribe.

Hunters: They make up the bulk of the tribe. Hunters are responsible for not only providing food for the tribe, but also protecting it from any threats, also acting as the warriors of their tribe.

Riders: Only a select few are chosen to ride a dinosaur, and those that can are very well respected by the rest of the tribe. Riders help with the hunts, and also aid in battle with the other tribes.

Apprentices: The apprentices are children younger than sixteen, but older than eight. They are training to be either Riders, Hunters, or even to claim the title of Shamans apprentice. Once they reach the age of sixteen, they are taken on their first hunt, symbolizing their new role within the tribe.

Children: Children are younger than eight years old and have a lot to learn about the world. Once they reach the age of eight, they will be chosen to be either a Hunter, Rider, or the Shamans apprentice.

Outsiders: Outsiders are usually exiles from the tribes, as no sensible person would want to live by themselves outside the safety of a tribe. Outsiders usually don't stay in one place for too long. Often times outsiders have trouble surviving without a tribe to depend upon, and don't last that long.

Tribal weapons:

Bow Spear Bolas

~ Absolutely NO copying this RP.

~ I am the controllers of this thread- what I say goes.
~ No Role Playing until your form has been accepted.
~ You can have as many characters as you like, but for the sake of other RPers please keep track of them all.
~ No major plot twists without my permission.
~ No swearing, inappropriate actions or words, and please, if you get into a fight, not too gory!
~ If your Character's in a fight, one blow per post please.
~ Also, in a fight your Character can only dodge or block one out of every four blows.
~ Please no out of RP fighting, but if you have to, please do it through PMs
~ Be realistic. Your character can't 'instantly' heal from any injury, nor can one hunter take down a fully grown Styracosaurus or any other large animal, etc.
~ The largest a hunter can kill by themselves is an Austroraptor.
~ During a time-skip, I will post the amount of time skipped in Big Bold Letters.
~ All BYC rules apply.
~No drama, but if you have to, please do it through PMs.
~ Please keep it PG-13.
~No controlling other peoples' characters, and no killing other peoples' characters without their permission first.
~ The name of your character must be descriptive. Ex: Blue Eyes, Dark Heart, Swift Legs.
~ Have fun!

Link to the OOC Chat Thread:

Link to the Character Page:

Character Form:

Age(Keep it realistic):
Detailed description:
User name:

*Note: I do not own and have not created any of this material, I am simply creating an RP based on the game.​

Holy shrooms. That is frog-hoppingly awesome.
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