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I was looking at the new 2013 models... Some of them look decent, but certainly not hand painted any more :( Am I the only one who thinks this?

And I also noticed this: The only english riders are girls, and the only western riders are guys. It kind of looks funny when a western man is crammed into the english saddle xD
I Added Some More Black To This One

Gave Her A Black Mane

Redid The Spots As They Were To High

Still Ugly!

The Other Ugly One

This Is A Breyer I Did

No, you're not the only one. I've been looking through the different years and picking out ones I'd like to work on. There aren't a huge number that I'm jumping up and down for but there's a few. Hoping to get a few pastels and a model or two this weekend.
I Added Some More Black To This One

Gave Her A Black Mane

Redid The Spots As They Were To High

Still Ugly!

The Other Ugly One

This Is A Breyer I Did

I wish I had that breyer

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