The Silkies are comming


Dances with Chickens
10 Years
Mar 17, 2009
Santa Cruz

Well in the mail as eggs today.
Step one: make hen broody.
Step two: buy store bought eggs and mark them. Place them in hen house.
Step three: wait for cochin hen named Bertha BigButt to find them.
Step four: watch look at eggs and waddle away. Grr
Step five: place Bertha on eggs and demand she stay
Step six: come back in 4 hr and repeat step 5
Step seven: chase off rooster boyfriend ( she don't need no loving.)
Step eight: check on Bertha. (sigh
Still on eggs)
Step nine: wait for real eggs to arrive. and turn on bator just in case.

Meet Bertha BigButt In this picture she was trying to lay eggs in the small nesting box i have for my banty. She actually did lay one to.
This has actually worked with her in the past. She loves a big oll pile of eggs. She even stole one yesterday to put in her pile LOL

My only problem is the rooster. He is totally in love with her and will remain near here for about two weeks. lol. Even when her babies are all grown he will tell her it's time to lay eggs. He does this by showing her the nests and sitting in them lol

It's really funny.

Ok off to the mailbox and a quick check on Bertha
I put the eggs in the bator till Bertha did her thing. I have been sick this weekend so Bertha was on her own.
Today I could tell she was setting because at 12 noon no one was out of the coop. lol they follow her. The poor rooster was like hey wake up and get out here. No one would listen till I came down. LOL
So If all goes well I will transfer the eggs under her tomorrow afternoon. When she goes broody I could stick a brick under her and she would not care LOL.
I'll post pictures in a few days

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