The sleeping chick pics thread!



7 Years
Sep 12, 2012
In my all my years of raising chickens, the sleeping chicks are still one of the funniest things to see. They just plop down where they are and start snoozing! Sometimes they don't even make it to a sitting or laying position when they fall asleep, too!

And the totally relaxed look that has scared many of us into thinking our chicks had died, makes me envy the good sleep they must be getting!

So let's share some of those pics here! Show everyone your cute little babies, passed out in odd positions, or just looking like they dropped dead!

I'll post my own tomorrow when I get back on my desktop where the photos are. But I'd LOVE to see everyone else's pics in the meantime!
As promised, here is one of mine. This chick is actually 3 months old, and had to come inside for an illness. She wanted to be RIGHT beside me the whole time, so she kept flying up on to my desk, and decided to nap there. It may have been the illness (upper respiratory infection) messing up her equilibrium for a bit, or maybe she was just dreaming. But despite being old enough to roost and tuck her face under her wing, she somehow ended up with her head like this!

She's almost ready to go back outside in this photo (gave her two more antibiotic shots). And since taking the photo, she has since completed treatment and moved back outside with no problems at all. She doesn't have wry-neck (balance was always okay, and she only did this while sleeping). So this really IS just how she ended up sleeping this one time. And I'm glad I caught it on camera!
HAHA! I love the one with the wing up!

But that's my favorite part. They get SO relaxed, they look dead!


I had one chick that would sleep on his back all the time, he decided he needed a little more beauty rest before picture time. :D

She was my late hatcher. The other two had hatched and she hadn't pipped yet. Not knowing any better, I opened up the incubator and grabbed the egg thinking she wasn't going to hatch. I got about halfway up the stairs and I heard peeping. I stopped and heard it again. I brought the egg up to my ear and could hear her peeping away inside. I panicked a bit and carefully put her back and raised the humidity a tad. She hatched about 5 hours later. :) she was very tired

Polo and moki a bit after hatching. I never caught moki sleeping but polo would fall asleep anywhere. :)
The ones that roll over on their backs are even funnier! If it's not bad enough that they look dead, they're even putting feet in the air like a dead cockroach, lmao!

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