The story behind my user name

Thank you again
to you all. She really enjoys the new chicks we got she has adopted on of my easter eggers as hers. She is now trying to guess what color eggs she will lay. she is only a week old.
I am the big sister. She is also my hero...The way she looks at life is just so amazing. She loves life. She is the most forgiving person i know. I get so mad when people say mean things about or to her and all she says is its okay sissy they just don't understand and if they say things about me with out getting to know me or don't want to ask question to understand me better them we need to forgive them and hope that one day the will understand better. I think this would would be a lot better place if everyone could be a little more like her. One of her favorte things to do right now is to take her to little nices out to see the baby chicks. She is teaching them how to take care of them and her and the sixteen month old will sit there and talk to them. She says that if we talk to them while we hold them the will know are touch and vocies so they will come to us better when they are big chickens. So she is out there every day holding and talking to them. She also says she talks to them because they are her friends and they have feelings. I think she is the greats person i will ever know.
Shellie and Lillie, thank you so much for sharing your story with us. If more people would be like her we would have such a better world............
That is how we feel. Michelle is the one person who knows what is important in this life. She loves to help people because she feels that she is blessed because she has a family who loves her, so she thinks everyone should know that kind of love.

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