<^> The Three Tribes<^> ~Native American Indian RP: Join today!

(Sorry I haven't made my form yet! I'll try tonight!
She turned and melted into the dark mouth of the cave. There was no light, and no path to follow. Those who were lucky made it through. Those who weren't fell to their death into the hidden canyons and crevices, lost forever. Some survived, but how could any survive in a world of darkness? Some stumbled, near dead, into the Tribes weeks later, following a tunnel to the outside. Some weren't that lucky. Some lay injured at the bottom of a cliff. If they were lucky, they would die instantly, if they weren't then they would suffer until starvation, dehydration, or intolerable pain took them. Even the mare feared, she who had walked these caves time and time again. She waited just inside for the stallion.

The stallion followed, his shod hooves clicking on the floor of the cave.

She continue through the cave, straining her eyes to try and see where she was going.
The stallion followed, his shod hooves clicking on the floor of the cave.

She continue through the cave, straining her eyes to try and see where she was going.

He followed
She continue through the cave, straining her eyes to try and see where she was going.

He followed

(Such description you use! XD

She made her way uncertainly through the dark, she could hear rocks and pebbles bouncing, and some that she dis-lodged fell for a long time before she heard them hit the ground. She cringed and continued. Up ahead, a faint glow of day could been seen. She pricked her ears and picked up her pace eagerly.
He followed

(Such description you use! XD

She made her way uncertainly through the dark, she could hear rocks and pebbles bouncing, and some that she dis-lodged fell for a long time before she heard them hit the ground. She cringed and continued. Up ahead, a faint glow of day could been seen. She pricked her ears and picked up her pace eagerly.

(Ya, I'm like so tired today and I was typing on a phone .. So yea.)

Instead of following by sight the stallion followed by sound, his shod hooves picking up small pebbles along the way. "Where are we heading?" he questioned, listening to the rocks that had fell hit the cave floor.
(Such description you use! XD

She made her way uncertainly through the dark, she could hear rocks and pebbles bouncing, and some that she dis-lodged fell for a long time before she heard them hit the ground. She cringed and continued. Up ahead, a faint glow of day could been seen. She pricked her ears and picked up her pace eagerly.

(Ya, I'm like so tired today and I was typing on a phone .. So yea.)

Instead of following by sight the stallion followed by sound, his shod hooves picking up small pebbles along the way. "Where are we heading?" he questioned, listening to the rocks that had fell hit the cave floor.

"Away from those men" she replied evasively, emerging gratefully into the sunlight. She sighed with relief, her brother had been lost in that cave. She stopped and turned to face the stallion. "Do you promise loyalty to the Tribe, never to return to your human companions or help them, in any way?" she asked.
CrazyHorse appeared beside her. "Have you see Uranus? I can't find her" he asked worriedly.

She turned to him, " No. Sorry. I can help you find Uranus though."
(Ya, I'm like so tired today and I was typing on a phone .. So yea.)

Instead of following by sight the stallion followed by sound, his shod hooves picking up small pebbles along the way. "Where are we heading?" he questioned, listening to the rocks that had fell hit the cave floor.

"Away from those men" she replied evasively, emerging gratefully into the sunlight. She sighed with relief, her brother had been lost in that cave. She stopped and turned to face the stallion. "Do you promise loyalty to the Tribe, never to return to your human companions or help them, in any way?" she asked.

His ears pulled back, not at her but he was Apperantly having flash backs. "I'll never go back to them," he replied looking up at her "I will be loyal."

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