The Trap Nesting Thread

GENESIS1VERSE1............welcome aboard.
Unfortunately I dont have a dog,The Mrs. hates animals. She will only allow chickens and she didnt want those around.It just so happens all of my in-laws perfer my eggs over store bought eggs. So I kinda paid her family off with gave support and she left me alone. I got a 22 rifle I have since been finishing my chicken house and the yard is a little better protected now.

My numbers dont seem high but i can assure you that my family had more than enough eggs all year round.I sold many .....I gave away many......and I still had enough for my family.I really awed my wife when all those eggs started coming in and even my two boys could tell her what bird was doing what. They explained Trapnesting to her better than I could. I dont think I'll ever stop trapnesting now. I have seen its benefits, now the next phase is to breed from the best ones, trapnest the offspring to find the best layers again. Pedigrees start to take shape from this point as I track the birds trapnest records. History tells us that you can increase egg production this way.

Of course you know the red is getting T.L.C. .........when she hit the 200 mark I couldnt believe it. They all did very well though. All year I felt as though I was stepping back in time and living 100 years ago. It was a unique experience now I personally know all of my birds. Their not just a flock of birds anymore I really know them better. I want everybody to try trapnesting if you are serious about improving your egg layers.
MANOZ, I am sure if you keep trapnesting and breeding for egg production you will one day start hitting in the 250 to 300 range. Do you plan to stick with just the chickens you have now or are you going to expiriment with any different breeds? Maybe if you mixed in a little bit of Leghorn blood you could get a big boost in egg production. It would have to be only a little bit of Leghorn blood though because you wouldn't want to give up too much in size. I am excited to start experimenting with my chickens. I plan to start a breeding program with Black Australorps and a seperate program with the current breeds I have now, a RIR, 2 Buff Orpingtons, 1 white Leghorn, and a very vibrant, nice looking mystery breed Rooster. That will be my Frankenchicken breed. So I'll be making Australorps and Frankenchickens, lol. Thanks for all the work you've put in and getting out the info on trapnesting.
Manoz--- please do keep this thread alive. I had it marked as it interested me, just wasn't sure how to put it to use. Still not sure, but I"m getting closer! lol
i would say that mystery roo is a dominique and white rock cross......he has the same body shape of my barred rock roo....but he shows the thinner bars common in dominiques.
if you put that roo with that white hen in the background you will get 25% looking like the roo 25% looking like the hen and 50% inbetween ranging from his colors to the hens colors. At least that's how i understand it.

I basically got the breeds that i could find locally,although I had to drive a few cities over to get a barred rock roo, and an australorp roo, my australorp had yellow feathers down his neck but his body was basic australorp. I bread him with mrs. pearl which was a australorp....I had these type of percentages in my own breeding. I got two roos from that breed with no yellow feathers.

For instance i would take that roo and that white hen and breed the bars out. Once you hacth you would select a roo with lighter bars to breed back with the white hen.Going this route would lead you to a future white roo.

For me i am just going with what i have and trying to jmprove on what i have. I dont think I'll need to outcross, leghorns are small for dual purpose birds in my opinion, I'm making progress because the australorps hens [i bred two of those too] are just beautiful. I'm already seeing improvements. If i can only get my barred rock breed going good.......... I will be adding different breeds this year not sure which ones yet.

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