The Trap Nesting Thread

MANOZ read my mind. They aren't on the floor = no loss of floorspace. Doors for 50 hens at $25 a door? WOW. Anyway, no one started out saying your way was wrong, Chris. It's fine for you. Just not for me. And I was just curious as to your setup and how you managed it. I already knew that it took more time lol. Since I do trap nest myself, you know.
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the door you are trying to market is simply a modified version of some of the illustrations i posted

I'm not trying to market any thing, and I wouldn't call it a "modified version" of some of the illustrations that you posted more like a improved or modern version.

by the way you wouldnt mind posting some pics of your barrel system

If I get a chance I'll see what I can do on getting pictures but for know you can do a Google Search Gamefowl tie out Barrel. I use the same thing for my exhibition hen and there breeding.

floor space should not be a problem for you if each of your hens have a 10' x 10' space. and you say u have 50

You need to go back and RE-read that post, you'r trying to combine two different posts. I said that I trap nest 50 birds (Layers) then I said that I use a barrel system for my exhibition birds.
Here is the post I did on the barrels,
I like the trap nest's but I like the barrel system that I uses for my exhibition birds better, I spend less time collection eggs and each hen there own 10'x10' area

I didn't specify a number of exhibition birds.


MANOZ, galanie,

Are you able to use the space under the nest box, if not how are you not loosing floor space?

At 24 inches deep that is nearly twice as deep as a standard nest box. So in the space you have one of you nest boxes I can can fit 2 of my nest boxes.

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I will leave you with that, but if you are against other peoples thoughts and or the newer trap nests you may want to think about changing the name of the thread from, "The Trap Nesting Thread" to The Old Style Trap Nesting Thread.

yes i do use the floor space underneath for scratching if u mean do i have room to walk underneath then no i do not.
i meant no harm at all, but it seems that you have a problem with the way i trapnest. the title stands as ''the trap nesting thread'' it should be ''the original trap nesting thread'' i have no problem with how you do things and thank you for posting your thoughts but the only thing you see is floor space as an issue.where is your mordern version of this old craft. the only thing better about the door you posted is its better for the one who is selling the doors. people who cant afford these expensive doors what should they do??
if you have a mordern version of trapnesting then why dont you create a thread for that! because before i posted about trap nesting byc had no trap nesting information.youre a byc educator why arent you educating then. why wait for me to post something then try to invalidate my claims? give your arguement if you have merit then we'll list it with the various ways trap nesting can be done''section''. you have your opinion and i have mine only difference mine has
If I get a chance I'll see what I can do on getting pictures but for know you can do a Google Search Gamefowl tie out Barrel. I use the same thing for my exhibition hen and there breeding.

I'm curious about your barrel system too... everything i've seen is for game cocks. how would you keep breeders tied out without them tangling?

and for the record, i like the pre-fab trap nest fronts myself, but could probably make the pigeon style trap fairly easily and inexpensively. i've seen a U-type locking mechanism, when put one way allows in, another to go out, and in the middle the bars swing freely both directions. i'm actually contemplating something like that for my main coop door. a solar-triggered servo would be easy to make to let them in/out during the day, and locked in at night.

and for this thread vs another, it's "trap nesting" old or new, who cares. it's useful and to each their own whether they want to spend money or make their own. it's personal choice. as much as which breed one person likes over another. you like barred rocks, i don't. it has nothing to do with the actual breed or anything, i just don't care for the black/white barred pattern. now crele, or cuckoo, i like them better. don't know why, it just is.
Are you able to use the space under the nest box, if not how are you not loosing floor space?

At 24 inches deep that is nearly twice as deep as a standard nest box. So in the space you have one of you nest boxes I can can fit 2 of my nest boxes.


Not sure how Manoz's posts can apply to me, but floor space is used by the chickens, not me. I don't personally have a problem with floor space used. Mine are not the size his are, they are taller. I have no problem whatsoever with the way you trap nest, Chris09, why do you feel you need to argue? You do what's best for you, and I do what's best for me. Quit trying to convince me that for the 4 hens I have laying now, that 2 trap nests are a horrible waste of space in a 9' by 13' coop! And please stop trying to convince me that I'm wasting.. something, I'm not sure what. All I know for sure is, for my situation, I'd be wasting a ton of money that I DO NOT HAVE buying pre-made doors. And if I, personally, had 50 laying hens, then I'd be wasting a Cubic Butt-Ton of money that I do not have. You have the money but not time. I have the time but not money. That's the difference in our situations.

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improved version or modern version

my two cents,
they both give implication to something before. if it is an improvement then state that improvement so we can all be clear on the issue. as for modern well 10 people will give u 10 different meanings to what modern is.

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