The Twisted War: A Star Wars RP

Walked out of the temple. He walked over to her. "to assess your skills the council had given us a mission."

Felon waited for Cerane to give him the instructions.
Rudondia looked over. "word has come that there is a twilik and man running a highly illegal alcoholic smuggling business. We are to take it down"
Name: Aayla Secura
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Ranks: Jedi Master
Spouse/ Crush: None
Personality: A Jedi who believes strongly in the Living Force, Aayla believes that everything happens for a reason and nothing is coincidental. Aayla's smart, sly, and specializes in Form 4 lightsaber combat and Jedi mind tricks.
History: Was trained by Mace Windu and just recently took the Jedi Trials. She is taking on her first apprentice.
Other: Jedi Master with blue bladed lightsaber.
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Name: Kodi Kryz
Age: 14
Gender male
Species :confused:man
Rank: apprentice
Personality: quiet and shy. Polite. By the book. Formal.
History : born and taken to the temple as a baby

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