The Twisted War: A Star Wars RP

" The boy with the purple saber is Kodi Kryz. The girl is Jadea Fillus." He said.

Jadea Fillus
Youngling soon to be apprentice. ( for obi wan)
Strong willed and outgoing. Speaks her mind. Acts without thinking through. Hard headed

Jadea has dark skin and ice blue eyes. She wilds a single blue saber. Her hair is dark and long but braided up.
The council pondered the question. " Accept this, we do. Youngling Kryz will be your padawan." master yoga said.

Kodi practiced sparing with Jadea. He ready his saber for a defense move.
Jadea swung but was parried by Kodi.

Rudondia looked a Sabine. "en are being accompanied by a new master padawan duo on this mission."

(What's happened with felon and Cerane?)
" Thank you." Said Aayla bowing and leaving. Walking back towards where Kodi and Jadea were sparring. Watching them she waited until they were done before going up to Kodi and saying " Hello Kodi, I am your new Master Aayla Secura."

"Ok, do you know their names Master?" Asked Sabine.

( I'm not sure what happened to Felon and Cerane, I'll ask Dragapacacorn.)
( we played that in band the other day. I love that peice of music.)

Kodi looked up. " I finally got choose?" he asked shocked.

Jadea punched him lightly on the arm. "Looks like it" she smiled. "congrats"

" Master Aayla Secura and Padawan Kodi Kryz. " he said.
( we played that in band the other day. I love that peice of music.)

Kodi looked up. " I finally got choose?" he asked shocked.

Jadea punched him lightly on the arm. "Looks like it" she smiled. "congrats"

" Master Aayla Secura and Padawan Kodi Kryz. " he said.
((Am I the only one who feels conflicted about how the Phantom of the Opera song Phantom of the Opera contains 70's Beats, electric piano, and guitar? This guy is some sort of musician if he can summon those to the 18 hundreds))
Kodi was speechless. He was not one to express emotions but a smile appeared on his face. "thank you,... Master he said.

(yeah I found that odd to. It's seems a little weird.)

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