^The Two Forests^ A Shapeshifting RP

Buttercup was now in full on fox form, and just snarled at Naeva, but acknowledged she was stronger, so just went over to a pile of leaves and attempted to sleep.
"Okay, suit yourself." Naeva said and sighed. She shot at the air to frighten Buttercup off. "You can take my hospitality, but I'm not going to let you do whatever you want on my land."
Buttercup yelped and ran away, terrified.
Naeva looked to Buttercup as she ran away and lowered her gun. She didn't know what was wrong with her, she had completely ignored anything she had said, but at least she was gone for now. Naeva decided to sit on her porch for a few minutes to make sure that nobody else came that she'd have to scare away.
Naeva looked to Buttercup as she ran away and lowered her gun. She didn't know what was wrong with her, she had completely ignored anything she had said, but at least she was gone for now. Naeva decided to sit on her porch for a few minutes to make sure that nobody else came that she'd have to scare away.
(Time skip to morning)
Naeva went inside and got in bed to sleep.

___ Next Day

Naeva woke up the next morning, glad that she had lit a fire in the wood stove before she went to sleep so she would be warm.
Remembering that she was smoking meat in her smokehouse, she scrambled out of bed and got dressed so she could check on it. Though, since she wasn't too rushed, she took the time to brush her hair and clean her face.
Naeva went inside and got in bed to sleep.

___ Next Day

Naeva woke up the next morning, glad that she had lit a fire in the wood stove before she went to sleep so she would be warm.
Remembering that she was smoking meat in her smokehouse, she scrambled out of bed and got dressed so she could check on it. Though, since she wasn't too rushed, she took the time to brush her hair and clean her face.
Daniel woke up, and started shifting into his day clothes. He then went to prepare himself breakfast, firing up the stove and started the process of making bacon and eggs.
Naeva walked outside with her warm wolf fur coat on and went to check on the meat she was smoking.

Some of it was done, but the larger pieces still needed a few more hours, so she took out the finished meat and left the rest in there. She wrote down what time it was on a piece of scrap paper, so she would know how long to wait before removing the rest of the meat.
Naeva walked outside with her warm wolf fur coat on and went to check on the meat she was smoking.

Some of it was done, but the larger pieces still needed a few more hours, so she took out the finished meat and left the rest in there. She wrote down what time it was on a piece of scrap paper, so she would know how long to wait before removing the rest of the meat.
Daniel finished cooking and served himself. He smelled Naeva smoking the boar meat, and immediately gained an appetite. He quickly placed his bacon and eggs on a plate, befitting sitting down in his chair to eat.

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