The ULTIMATE list of DUCK Treats and Supplements...

My ducks are very spoilt.
In the morning they get a bowl of tomato, cucumber, red pepper, cooked spaghetti, ham, mixed greens. Then at night they get a big bowl of mixed veggie such as peas, corn, carrot, beans, potato and seafood sticks.
They love it! They come into my kitchen while I'm preparing it and nibble at my feet to get me to hurry up. They also know the sound the bowl makes when I get it out and put it on the bench. My girl quacks her head off when she hears it!
Where can I find out what kinds of plants/weeds are OK for ducks? Can I assume if they eat it while foraging on their own that it's OK?
I have lots of mint, false dandelion, garlic mustard, wild mustard, sorel, german chamomile, plaintan, nettles, wild carrot . . . you name it! I assume anything I can eat should be safe for them like pansies & dandelion greens but I would like a resource to go to.
Haha! I'm actually glad you posted to avoid alcohol. My train of thought earlier this morning was weather to put a bowl of beer out to attract and kill some snails. I also thought that would also be an attraction for the ducks, beer soaked snails could be a duck delicacy! I thought better of it, than chanced on your post.
oh no I gave my baby (~5 weeks) half an avocado 2 days ago back when I thought it was a goose and someone said anything green is good.
He seems fine but now I'm worried. Does it creep up and suddenly take him down without warning, or if he seems fine now will be ok?
oh no I gave my baby (~5 weeks) half an avocado 2 days ago back when I thought it was a goose and someone said anything green is good.
He seems fine but now I'm worried. Does it creep up and suddenly take him down without warning, or if he seems fine now will be ok?
You may be okay - to be safe, some food grade activated charcoal supplement - maybe a teaspoon in a quart of drinking water - ought not to harm.

But please look carefully over this document. I don't want to contradict anyone but it looks like the research has been done on different birds than waterfowl.

There is a section on using charcoal to detox.

How is the duck behaving?
Thank you for asking. I think Downy is ok.
I read the pdf you sent, thanks. We are waaay beyond 15 hours since ingestion and there's a great chance the avocado the Mexican variety, which the document says is non-toxic, so maybe that's why he never showed any of the listed symptoms. At any rate I'll never give avocado again, since I know less about avocados than I do about ducks lol.
It's been 24 hours since my first post in here, and Downy is still acting very energetic and content. The only thing he gripes about is when I'm not in his line of sight lol.
He is eating and pooping what seems to be a good deal. He's on a waterfowl starter feed plus I give some fruits or vegatables every day.
He went swimming in the tub yesterday for the first time. When the water is not too deep, he likes bobbing for grapes.

This is a great list of treats and supplements for our feathered friends. I love the frozen layered treats and am already at work on making some.
I wanted to let you know that my vet and I feed our flocks bread every other day. My vet likes to throw the bread like a frisbee and watch the birds dance and fly to get it. We've been feeding our flocks this way for years and have never had any issues. I don't know where the idea that bread is bad for birds came from other than the fact that feeding wild birds bread causes them to become more dependent on humans because it's easier the get the bread than it is to forage. That can cause a myriad of problems for both wild birds and people!
That's my 2 cents, for what it's worth. ;-)
Okay! So I went to my local feed store and none of them knew that ducks can have unmedicated chick starter. I got the only bag of unmedicated chick starter they have and its organic. Its called Nature smart organic chick starter. Anyone know if its good for ducklings under 2weeks? Its 20% protein

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