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One of my duck pools is right next to my tomato plants and they hang in the pool. Jojo nibbles on them constantly yet charlie never had interest in them. Does this mean JoJo is gonna get sick? I've been reading the posts and you all seem to feel very strongly. I just wanna know if my duck is safe
One of my duck pools is right next to my tomato plants and they hang in the pool. Jojo nibbles on them constantly yet charlie never had interest in them. Does this mean JoJo is gonna get sick? I've been reading the posts and you all seem to feel very strongly. I just wanna know if my duck is safe

If you're worried about it, find a way to block access to the plants or move their pools away from the plants. :D

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If you're worried about it, find a way to block access to the plants or move their pools away from the plants.


^ This. Better safe than sorry. Expounding on Buck's comment, yeah, Jen, are you okay? You're not acting like your usual self. Everything all right on your end of things?
I felt deeply hurt and was very upset at what I took as accusation of animal cruelty. I love my ducks dearly and am very interested in their well being. I am not bothered my the hairs on tomato plants.
Now I know some people are. I'm sorry I was mean.

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