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Question? What kind of plants can ducks eat? My kids started giving them rose petals and they love it but I'm afraid of giving them anything without knowing what is safe! Are blueberries or blackberries ok?
well i don't think rose petals r very safe, i think they can have blue berries, but i know for almost certain ducks love their greens so lettuce and cabbage r great, even broccoli! but of course raw broccoli 

Rose petals are safe for humans, and I believe they are safe for ducks as well, I've been feeding my girls rose petals year round for the past 3 years with no ill affects. One of them will strip all the roses she can reach, they're a favorite treat! Have you heard about a specific toxisity with roses? I know birds can't have avacadoes, but I've never seen roses on the list of toxic plants. My girls love all sorts of greens, but their favorite things to steal from our garden are, blackberries, brocolli greens, tender lettuces, and cherry tomatoes. They'll also eat young zucchini leaves, dandilions, and apricot tree leaves. But those are just what I have growing. They don't bother the nasturtiums, tyme, rose or berry leaves, or tomatoes or potatoe leaves.
Ok thanks! Good to know. I read elsewhere that rose petals were ok but of course I wanted to make sure and they seem to love them. Wasn't sure about blackberries but they love blueberries and broccoli so far. Not to fond of banana.
Question for help please- my drake which I was told here is a WH is changing colors on his head. When we got him, adult but age unknown, his head and neck were a pretty green, kind of like a mallard, which I thought he was at first. Now he has only a small line of the green down the back & middle of his head. Is this normal for Welch Harlequin drakes??? I'm worried he might be lacking in proper nutrition. We feed them Purina game feed from TSC.

Someone told me mallard derived ducks go pale through summer and colour up again in autumn. I wasn't sure I believed it, but its true! Mine are all dark now, but they were pale at the end of summer
Ok thanks! Good to know. I read elsewhere that rose petals were ok but of course I wanted to make sure and they seem to love them. Wasn't sure about blackberries but they love blueberries and broccoli so far. Not to fond of banana.
Mine won't eat blackberries... We have several bushes around our property, but they won't eat any, even if I pick them and offer it to them. My donkeys love them though.

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