The ULTIMATE list of DUCK Treats and Supplements...

While mostly everything on this list is very resourceful, I will comment that the idea that bread kills ducks isn't exactly the case. My grandpa raised his Pekin ducks on bread and milk rather than specifically duck feed, and one even lived to the ripe old age of 18. Also, a regular part of his ducks' diet was spaghetti WITH sauce, and they were extremely healthy. Actually, the organic chicken feed that we give our ducks has both oil and salt, so while in excess these highly negate your birds' well-being, they don't necessarily always cause health problems. I have given our mixed flock of chickens and ducks leftover table scraps such as blueberry waffles, polenta with mascarpone cheese and marinara sauce, rice and beans, pancakes, pieces of baguette, and even muffin crumbs. I am happy to report that they are flourishing and exceedingly vigorous birds!

Love this! Thanks so much! I've been wanting to expand Peep's diet but I've been so worried about what he can and can't have!
Would apple pulp be okay for them? We've got apple trees and we juice most of the fruit we get, and it leaves us with a TON of pulp. It'd be nice to have something productive to do with it, rather than tossing it into compost by the bucketful. Also, would cooked pumpkin puree be okay for babies, like the kind that comes canned from the grocery store? We just got some 8 day old runners today and they're pretty skittish around people, so I'd like to butter them up with some treats :)
Would apple pulp be okay for them? We've got apple trees and we juice most of the fruit we get, and it leaves us with a TON of pulp. It'd be nice to have something productive to do with it, rather than tossing it into compost by the bucketful. Also, would cooked pumpkin puree be okay for babies, like the kind that comes canned from the grocery store? We just got some 8 day old runners today and they're pretty skittish around people, so I'd like to butter them up with some treats :)

The only problem with the Apple pulp is the seeds are poisonous, so I don't think you should offer it to them. They love apples though! I'm not sure about the pumpkin, it will be messy! They love to dip their heads in stuff like that and fling it all over the place. When my ducks were that age, they loved chopped tomatoes in a dish of water, or minced lettuce. Peas are the best treat though!

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