*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp

"Ok ok, sorry to offend you, your highness horse keeper," he said jokingly. He released Alena's hand to pet the horse.

The butterflies were finally leaving Elena's stomach. She reached up to stroke the horses soft nose. "He's beautiful." She whispered.
(Aw poor little girl. XD)
Edwin moved his hand down the horse's back. "Yes, he is indeed a beauty."
(Ollie is visiting Gwen at the Alnwick castle right now. Correct? Lariah met a different stable hand)

(aww. No Ollie for the princess

Gwen ran back, an apple in each hand. "An apple for the horse, and an apple for my favorite little man." She smiled kindly at him.
The dapple gray horse pressed his nose against Edwin's chest and brushed his nose against Alena's hand. He whinnied very softly and took another drink from the water trough. Sparrow whinnied at Lariah veyr loudly again, and she went over to pet her beautiful horse.
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