*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp

Name: Azor
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Personality: Quiet, good at following orders
Skills: Horse riding, archery, sword combat, black smithing
Side: Alnwick
History: Grew up in the Alnwick castle town
Description: 6 foot tall, brown eyes, black hair, white, athletic build
Awakening with a start, Herja gasped, then realized where she was. She was alone, in front of a dying fire, its embers glowing brightly yet, throwing up occasional sparks. She thought she had heard a commotion not too far away, perhaps within about a half mile(1km). Wolves were howling, bragging to anyone who could hear them. Grabbing her halberd, she stood up and listened, trying to make out where the commotion was coming from. She debated whether to leave her armor to see what it was.
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India had been so startled by the sudden appearence of the pony that she had darted quickly away, lingering cautiously in the long grass of the meadow. It didn't smell like a bear. But you could never be too sure.
"Very much so," Jane replied. "Judging by your face, I take it you don't?" She questioned, smiling broadly.

Mariah neither smiled nor curtsied in return. She waited till he finished his extravagant bow before setting her hand lightly on Edmund's open hand.
Richard and Linnet began dancing.
The music grew louder as the floor obtained more dancing couples.
Redd stepped up in front of Gwen, bowed low, then held out a gloved hand. "May I have the honor of the first dance?" He asked. Being masked was quite an advantage for him here. She wouldn't know who he was or of what rank, thus it would be utterly rude to refuse. Of course he wasn't exactly positive who he was asking either, but guessing by her expensive jeweled gown and flaming red hair, she was the princess.

Fawn quickly grew bored from her corner. She stood and slowly made her way towards the refreshments. The room felt hot and stuffy with all the people, so a glass of cool spiced wine seemed perfect right now.

(Need more men here XD Crazychick?)
Edwin breathed a sigh of relief when she spoke. "I'm here," he replied softly. He sat down on the edge of the bed.
Katrina put the cork back in the bottle of salts and retreated out of the room to give them a moment. She headed for the kitchen to fetch fresh water. At the end of the staircase, she realized that the young man who had been with her earlier was gone. He must of snuck out while she was with the prince. As she passed a familiar servant, she stopped him and asked, "Tom, 'ave ye seen the young man by the name of Alfric recently?" She asked.
He shook his head. "Afraid I haven't. Why d'ye ask?"
Katrina hesitated. "Um just wondering."
Tom didn't look convinced.
"I was s'posed to tell 'im his horse is ready. For the ball," she quickly added. Before he could say anything else, she hurried off.

Gwen smiled brightly. "You may."

Alena blinked rapidly at the room swirling before her. "Edw-" A wave of nausea swept over her.
Alfric mustered up all his strength and opened his mouth wide. "India!" His voice was scratchy and quickly cut out by a fit of coughing. He closed his eyes and breathed heavily.
After hearing several large animals just beyond the meadow, Herja decided it would be safest to quickly put on her breastplate, arm, and shin guards, just in case. The leather was still stiff and cold from her swim in the ocean, but at least she had washed the salt out. She cautiously approached the sound, staying low and moving silently. She was, after all, very hungry.

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