*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp

Katrina entered the stable. She heard rustling from a stall, but didn't think anything About it. There seemed to always be a stableboy or knight in here. She took the lantern from the wall down and went to look among the saddles for the bags. The room they were in was basically just an open stall. She held up the light and looked around the king's saddle but to no avail. Prince's saddle, same results. She got down on her hands and knees and looked around the base of the saddle stands. The dust got to her nose, making her let out a loud sneeze.

Herja froze. She let the halter slip quietly from the saucy mare, who disdainfully turned her back on Herja and dove into her hay manger with gusto. Herja slowly peeked around the corner, her heart pumping. There was a maiden, searching for something among the tack. Herja wasn't sure what to do, but she didn't want to get separated from her weapon, so she grabbed up her halberd. She was st exhausted and hungry! She stood there dazed, debating whether to say something or not.
Katrina leaned back on her heels and rubbed her eyes. The dust was thick, and now that she had stepped all in it, it was cloudy and rising. She stood up and dabbed at her eyes with her apron, by that didn't help at all because it was now full of dust. "You should really clean in here sometime," she said, thinking there was a stableboy in the stall to hear her.
Herja decided to risk everything. She stood tall and proud, and said in her thick accent( I'm not sure how to type an accent!) " I am Herja, warrior to my people, now alone, shipwrecked on your shore, seeking help in an enemy land. I wish food and lodging, and my wounds tended, and in exchange, I will pledge fealty to they who would take in a roving warrior. I offer myself to you, maiden!" At this, Herja strode up to the maiden and knelt down before her, assuming that someone so clean and tidy looking might be someone important.
Katrina shrieked in terror at the gruff voice that seemingly came from nowhere. She turned to flee but came face to face with a tall man. No, wait, that was a woman. Her eyes slowly looked up then down, settling on the rough and weathered face of some sort of warrior lady. "And you would be?" She trembled, the shock having not worn off yet.
Herja stood up tall, with one hand, she rapped her breastplate." Herja!" She stated loudly. Her other hand grasped her halberd, but the blood running down her arm made her feel less than convincing as a proud warrior. She awaited the lady's decision as to her fate: whether she would run or not.
Herja stood up tall, with one hand, she rapped her breastplate." Herja!" She stated loudly. Her other hand grasped her halberd, but the blood running down her arm made her feel less than convincing as a proud warrior. She awaited the lady's decision as to her fate: whether she would run or not.
Katrina shrunk down a bit. She took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. "Oh. From where do ye come?" She asked hesitantly. Now that the woman was standing straight, she was nearly two feet taller and completely towered over Katrina. She gulped. This beast of a woman could crush her like a bug if she wanted.
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Relaxing a little, Herja said," I herald from across the sea. I washed up on the shore and ended up here somehow." She knelt down, her fist curled in a salute over her heart, her halberd in her other hand. She bowed her head respectfully. " I seek a bite to eat, and a roof over my head, and I will swear fealty to they who provide me this."
Katrina made a slightly disturbed and confused face. "Uh, well," she glanced around, hoping a stable boy would appear and rescue her out of this situation. "I can bring ye food, but the place doesn't belong to me so I'm afraid I can't offer ye a roof," she replied.
" take me to your master then. I would ask the same of them, if you would," replied Herja. She stood again, feeling tired and very exposed. There was a time when she might have tried to make a stand, but she was wiser now, and doing so would well nigh end in her death.
"I'm 'fraid me master isn't home right now. He and the royal family are attending a ball," Katrina replied, straightening. She grew slightly bolder, seeing that this woman was unsteady on her feet. "If you don't mind hiding in the stall, I can bring ye some food from the kitchens," she suggested.
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