*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp

(Hiiii Beaky. Have you read the story to catch up? Or do you want me to give you a quick overview?)
(overview would b great !)
(Basically what Crazychick said. Linnet is Gwen's best friend. Peter is Edwin's best friend. Lariah is Jenel's twin sister, right? Maud is a maid who serves Gwen and Linnet. Fent and Fawn are assassins for Alnwick, Redd is an assassin for Edinburgh. Richard is a knight of Alnwick who is infatuated with Linnet. Arthur and Grandel are both knights of Edinburgh. Soon there will be a celebration for Edwin's birthday.)
(so who can i rp with ? Who is Peter lol and thx for typing all that out)
Lariah saw her father and Edwin coming on his poor horse, then Arthur.

Probably the most chaotic people that could be here right now...Lariah though as she sighed.

Arthur saw that most of the royal family had now assembled at the stables, and hurriedly saddled Jerome. He would take him back down to the river to graze again.

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