*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp

"Wanna dance?" Cliffton asked less than princely.

(Is the queen anonymous as well?
(Nah, her highness couldn't bear to be equal to everyone else. :rolleyes: )

Jane looked around the room for Sir Peter. "Well I had a partner, who was supposedly bringing me something to quench my thirst, but I don't see him. So I suppose I shall take you up on your offer," she replied, deciding to overlook the casualness of his question.
Redd's comment irritated Gwen, but she didn't show it. "No. Though you were fairly close." Not caring whether this man thought she was rude or not, she stalked off to find a more polite partner.

Peter's eyes caught Linnet's as he was retrieving the flukes of champagne. He didn't think she was coming.

"Why are you here?" Alena asked more urgently. "What about your mother?"

( Prince Alan is Gwens brother right?)
Cliffton knew he couldn't dance well, but figured he may as well give it a shot. He took Janes hand.
Jephry eyed Queen Mariah. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity he could tell his friends about for years. That is, if she didn't turn him down. But, for all she knew, he was a prince. He figured, not really knowing her that well, that the worst she could say was no. So, he took a deep breath, and approached her "Good evening Your Majesty" He said politely.
Cliffton knew he couldn't dance well, but figured he may as well give it a shot. He took Janes hand.
Jephry eyed Queen Mariah. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity he could tell his friends about for years. That is, if she didn't turn him down. But, for all she knew, he was a prince. He figured, not really knowing her that well, that the worst she could say was no. So, he took a deep breath, and approached her "Good evening Your Majesty" He said politely.
Jane, all smiles because parties made her happy, followed eagerly. "May I inquire your name, good sir," she asked when they had stopped.

Mariah frowned down at him from her awkwardly tall and elaborate chair. "Good evening, sir," she said.

"What do you think?" Edmund asked, a broad smile on his face. Fawn cocked her head.
"About what?" She asked.
Fawn dipped a curtsy as Edmund bowed.
"The ball. The people, the decor, food, everything," he explained.
"Oh! I find it quite nice, actually. I have not actually attended a masked ball before, and not many balls in general, but this I certainly think the finest thus far."
The music began, a waltz again but this time slightly faster and more enthusiastic.
"Then that means I have succeeded," Edmund said.
Fawn's raised eyebrow suggested confusion again.
"Succeeded in pleasing you," he quickly added.
"Pleasing me?" Fawn was taken aback. No one had ever seemed to wish to please her, so his statement rather surprised her.
"Yes, I strive to please everyone. But particularly those whom I am more fond of," he explained.

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