~*The Weekly Peep*~

Thanks. If you have anything else PM me

Sure! I'm will start a PM right now and if I have anything I will tell you
If we enter our bird will you give us credit as our bird or....?

Good idea btw
Oh. Yes, of course you'll get credit. Hoping to have the first edition of the new Weekly Peep up tomorrow afternoon. If anyone wants to PM me anything for this week, I'll have it done by afternoon (Eastern time) so try and get it to me before then. :D
Oh. Yes, of course you'll get credit. Hoping to have the first edition of the new Weekly Peep up tomorrow afternoon. If anyone wants to PM me anything for this week, I'll have it done by afternoon (Eastern time) so try and get it to me before then.

Have you seen the PM that I sent you? When you send one you can't reply till the other person replies.
Oh. Yes, of course you'll get credit. Hoping to have the first edition of the new Weekly Peep up tomorrow afternoon. If anyone wants to PM me anything for this week, I'll have it done by afternoon (Eastern time) so try and get it to me before then. :D

Have you seen the PM that I sent you? When you send one you can't reply till the other person replies.
YeYep. I just replied to it :)
The Weekly Peep (4/26/16) This is the very first edition of the NEW Weekly Peep. For those who haven't read previous posts, we're accepting pictures for "Peep of the Week" title. PM any submissions to @ChickenLover200. At this time, we're only accepting chicken pictures. Very soon once this gets better established, we'll accept other domestic fowl pictures as well as misc. photography. The owner of each picture will receive credit for their photo. We are also accepting articles written in the Learing Center. PM ChickenLover200 the link wih a brief description. Each edition of the Weekly Peep appears on Mondays or Tuesdays. Peep of the Week Our Peep of the Week this week is... Belle! She's a 1 1/2 year old Buff Orpington mix hen. Thanks for the picture @chicken4prez and congrats on Peep of the Week. This week's featured article(s) This week's featured article is by @BYC Project Manager, titled "Advice for first time chicken owners". This article is a great read for new and old chicken owners. Enjoy! https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/advice-for-first-time-chicken-owners This edition of The Weekly Peep (#1) was written by: Elvis Rooster
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