The worst thing about store bought chicken


7 Years
Apr 17, 2012
Someone told me once there was a problem at the chicken house & they had to help out. When they got there they saw a flowing river of wet running poop & the smell :rolleyes: let's just say very unpleasant. I know ppl that won't eat farm eggs or chicken cause they don't know what the chickens are eating & they trust big corp. business. My husband calls these ppl lazy, selfish,spoiled ppl with small minds. I have the same opinion with an added...1 woman that told me this was a church woman...self righteous. Does she think a would poison her & her family. This was a preachers family. WWJD
Help, seriously I don't understand what is being said here.
The conditions are not what ppl think basicly, then buy the chicken as if it the only real safe healthy alternative. It sickness me when ppl say they only eat store bought eggs cause they know what the chickens are eating. I realize ppl can't always eat what's right but at least know the facts. I live in the country & a country store told me that the young ppl today won't eat fresh eggs. I can't understand what's wrong with the younger generation these days.
I get you. I won't eat chicken or battery eggs. Won't touch it. I've seen how they were raised, kept, slaughtered... Some chicken houses are as bad as you said, some are much better, but it's still a cruel business. And the lady may have a point about getting poisoned. Broilers in my area tested positive for a range of antibiotics and battery hens from a few farms in our province tested positive for salmonella. I don't medicate my hens if I don't need to and when I deworm them I don't sell the eggs.
I'm fortunate that I can keep as many chickens as I want and we get plenty eggs, we sell most of them to very happy customers and my hens are completely free range. We don't eat them and I'm careful who I sell any unwanted chickens to.
We only eat our eggs and our chicken. I know what is in them and that they are treated with respect until they feed us.

We are lucky enough to have a free range butcher shop by our house, the cattle are all grass fed, no meds, very good meat.

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