Then and now


Oct 2, 2017
New Hampshire
I just came across pics of when my little Luna (my Cochin bantam) and My roo (didn't know he was a boy) when they were little.. look how sweet and innocent my roo was (he's the white one)

He was a sweetie, just looked like an angel that is why I got him.. (he turned out to be the devil lol)
Btw that is Luna's butt lol
Then right before I gave him to a new home

Luan my Cochin bantam and is still as sweet.


and now


And they babies they made

this is what the babies look like now..

That’s great , we soon forget don’t we? Every now and then I get all the pictures on my phone printed , I like to keep those memories ....

I told myself I am going to print out pics and get them off my computer and phone, one day we were at my mom's looking through old photo albums, and I miss that, I want my kids to have something like that to go through, not my dang phone.
I told myself I am going to print out pics and get them off my computer and phone, one day we were at my mom's looking through old photo albums, and I miss that, I want my kids to have something like that to go through, not my dang phone.
I officially have more photos of chicks and chickens than I do of my kids. :gigGranted, the kids are all grown up, and last year I was selling chicks, but honestly! I've been going through and deleting photos of the hatches that were sold because it gets embarrassing scrolling through all those photos to find one of my kids!:lau
I officially have more photos of chicks and chickens than I do of my kids. :gigGranted, the kids are all grown up, and last year I was selling chicks, but honestly! I've been going through and deleting photos of the hatches that were sold because it gets embarrassing scrolling through all those photos to find one of my kids!:lau

That is too funny

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