They’re here!

Usually for the two days or so the chicks will get up to antics and try to eat anything. After a bit they figure out what’s food and what isn’t.
I see well I’ve put it back in with a few blocks of wood for them to climb on because I don’t want them to damage their legs on the slippery floor!
They’re very active and their feathers are coming in so fast they keep fluttering around every now and then I love watching them!
I see well I’ve put it back in with a few blocks of wood for them to climb on because I don’t want them to damage their legs on the slippery floor!
They’re very active and their feathers are coming in so fast they keep fluttering around every now and then I love watching them!
Kinda makes you want to get your own huh??:woot
Even my adults will eat paper towels given a chance! This spring for the brooder, I put down puppy pads, then a layer of shelf liner. Once the chicks were walking around easily, (around day 3) I added pine shavings. I think chicks get bored after awhile and if left to their own devices, they tend to dig up basically anything we use for flooring.
you can use a lid top from a jar for water while they are so small...(just make sure they always have water)...did you dip there beaks in it so they know how to drink??,,,,you could use the yellow top you have food in and get some else for the food....put some clean rocks or marbles to hold the top down, and to keep them from drowning....good luck and enjoy them....they grow so fast!
Even my adults will eat paper towels given a chance! This spring for the brooder, I put down puppy pads, then a layer of shelf liner. Once the chicks were walking around easily, (around day 3) I added pine shavings. I think chicks get bored after awhile and if left to their own devices, they tend to dig up basically anything we use for flooring.
That’s exactly what they’re doing they’re acting like full grown chickens and they’re only a week old I’m thinking of making a mini perch to see how they use it )
you can use a lid top from a jar for water while they are so small...(just make sure they always have water)...did you dip there beaks in it so they know how to drink??,,,,you could use the yellow top you have food in and get some else for the food....put some clean rocks or marbles to hold the top down, and to keep them from drowning....good luck and enjoy them....they grow so fast!
They seem to be drinking from the small lid fine and I did dip their beaks in when I first put it in also the yellow lid has a hole in it going across the middle it’s just intending to keep the food in one place it wouldn’t hold water very well! I agree they grow more feathers every day Buzz has started growing tail feathers !

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