They did it again....Updated with PICS!


10 Years
Feb 18, 2009
About 2 months ago i had one of our free ranging hens surprise us with 4 chicks...We woke up one morning and there they were..Well... Thursday morning i went out side to find...She did it again BUt she had 12 of them following behind!!! AND it must be contagious because Saturday morning we went out and one of her sisters had 8 little hooligans following her around.... We got the little fluffy butts coming out our ears now!! O and to top it all off, the one with 12 babies apparently didnt think she had enough because she made her way into our garage and found the brooder box with about 10 babies in it and now she WONT leave the garage.. Infact she wont go more than 3 feet from the darn box...I keep tellin her she will have to grow a little more to be able to hide all those little chickies under her!Its too cute;)
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What are you gonna do with THAT many chickens?

Ill take some off your hands, if you want.
My poor dog, Beeba, isnt even allowed to get to her food and water dish until momma hen goes to sleep because its right next to the brooder box..Its cute because Beeba can only watch as the baby chicks bounce around in the food bowl..While momma does some hard core fluffing to try and intimidate her into staying away..this is why i love my animals!!
I would put mama and all the babies (even the brooder babies) in a cage, and let her have what she wants. Hen-raised chicks are better than brooder babies, IMO.

I have a tiny OEGB hen that we gave 18 chicks to last year, she did just fine with them
I would love for her to be able to take care of all the babies but I dont think her body is as big as her protectiveness.. she is a larger breed of bantam and she has her hands full with the 12 she has..I will have to clean up after her and move the dog dishes but i think i will let her stay in the garage for a few more weeks..I may build an outside pen though too and turn all of them loose with her just to see how she does..BUT i can tell you that i will NOT be the one who tries to catch them all, I will leave that up to my Dh, I cherrish my fingers lol
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The hen I had last year with 18 chicks was about the size of a homer pigeon. Of course, all the chicks were bantams, but there were still 18 of them! You could put her and chicks in something, then put the light in with them, so she and the babies could use the light if they need too
Well!! I would have thought by now we'd have picture proof of all this insanity going on!! Pictures! We MUST HAVE PICTURES!!!

Bantam eh? That explains everything!!
Sounds like you have a rather busy roo too!
So, how about some pictures of proud papa as well?

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