I'll keep that in mind. I've heard so many negative things and so many good things, its hard to tell what to actually believe. I want to order from them because they don't charge an arm and a leg for shipping plus I can order only a couple of this or a couple of that, I don't have to order a minimum. I was originally going to order from Meyer again but the shipping for just three ducks is 45 dollars and to me that's a little outrageous. I can't even add a couple of chickens or anything to bring the order up to try and lower shipping because Meyer doesn't hatch and ship their own ducks, it's done by their sister hatchery. So I will try Ideal in the spring and place my order probably in February or as soon as they contact me saying the Cayugas are available. I have an old bath tub that is outside that we don't use. I am thinking of lining that with something like puppy pads and using that for a brooder for the ducks in our shed. I figure this way I can fill it with water when they are big enough and it will be easier to clean than the brooder I've used for chicks. I am just hoping that when they ship them everyone makes it safely from Texas to New York.
I know...I suspect that every "rating" of any hatchery is based on the individuals perception. Mine with Ideal has been good so I say they are good. The bath tub is an excellent idea and it will make a great "pond" for later with a ramp up and down so they don't fall and hurt themselves. Shipping from Cameron, TX to you in New York should be a 2-3 day journey. Probably from Cameron to Dallas then to NY and out on truck/Post Office from there. Just be ready for them like you would with any live bird shipment from anywhere...even near by...and you should do just fine.
I know...I suspect that every "rating" of any hatchery is based on the individuals perception. Mine with Ideal has been good so I say they are good. The bath tub is an excellent idea and it will make a great "pond" for later with a ramp up and down so they don't fall and hurt themselves. Shipping from Cameron, TX to you in New York should be a 2-3 day journey. Probably from Cameron to Dallas then to NY and out on truck/Post Office from there. Just be ready for them like you would with any live bird shipment from anywhere...even near by...and you should do just fine.

Thank you. I have to wait until spring of next year though unless I can convince my husband to buy and build the run bigger before the ground gets hard. Then I can have him do the nesting boxes in a day. If that happens I can order them a little sooner than I would be able to next year. Here's to hoping there isn't that much snow this year.
Wow! How do you convince him to do everything?! I wish I'd be able to be that convincing to my family!

Well he pretty much does whatever I want him too. He knows I'm stubborn and once I get my mind set on something I'm going to do it whether he helps me or not. I am a complete idiot when it comes to building anything, hitting my fingers and stuff, so he pretty much does it for me. It's cheaper that way if he does, if I do it on my own I would end up with a hospital bill. As for convincing my family to let me get the ducks, I just didn't leave room for discussion. I told my husband if he made the run three feet bigger one way and two feet bigger the other way and put the nesting boxes outside then the ducks could fit right in the chicken coop with the chickens. That was a way better idea for him then having to build another coop and run. My parents don't really care since they don't have to take care of them. The one duck I'm getting, the turkey, and the two meat birds will be in freezer camp in a couple of months anyways so they don't really care about them either.

Plus once my mom found out ducks are really good for the garden and will eat mostly the bugs and hopefully leave the plants she was okay with it too. But yeah, I don't leave any room for discussion. It's my money, I have the room, they can't really tell me no, and I am one of two people in my family that rarely does anything for myself, my mom is the other. We always put ourselves last so when we finally do do something for ourselves, there isn't much argument from others.
My girls are out in the coop now too. (I hope they are all girls! I'm not too sure about my RIR.) We are about halfway done with their run. They love to come out and free range every day. I could watch them for hours. I picked up 2 cream legbar chicks locally yesterday. They are 9 days old. I had forgotten how little they are at that age! They were more stressed than my shipped chicks for some reason, but this evening they are much more active and seem to be doing better. You guys are killing me with your duck talk. I really want some, but I'm trying to hold out!
kattington I heard ducks can house really well with chickens
. How dare you mention new chicks and not post pictures to go with it!!!! Anyways pictures as soon as you can. That's good to hear you have yours out in the coop also. If you want post some pictures of you RIR I will certainly give you my guesses on it.

I had and Easter Egger I thought was a roo but so far I have not heard any crowing and there are no other signs to point to one.
Here are the babies! 10 days old today.



Here are some of Anna, our 6 week old RIR. She was our Meyer meal maker, but I think she's a RIR. Hopefully she's a pullet? Our Australorp, Jasmine, is behind her in the second pic. She was the little sickly one, but she is doing great now!

And just for fun, 6 week old Buff Laced Polish named Handsome

and 6 week old EE, Cinderella
Glad to hear and see everyone is doing good. I would help you with the meyer meal maker but I cant tell the rhode islands from the new hampshires.. I know one is supposed to be darker but they both look the same to me. I love the color your EE looks like its turning out to be. She's going to be beautiful.
Buffy's chicks might be hatching soon, idk if any of the eggs are fertile even though we have a roo, but he is very nice to his hens and people :). I'll update when I get home, and if there are babies there shall be pics!
Buffy's chicks might be hatching soon, idk if any of the eggs are fertile even though we have a roo, but he is very nice to his hens and people
. I'll update when I get home, and if there are babies there shall be pics!

That would be exciting... I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.. Thats good that your roo is a nice one. I've heard too many horror stories of mean roos.

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